The decision taken by Germany, France and the United States to allow Ukraine to use weapons supplied by them against targets in Russia in the ongoing Russia–Ukraine war is hugely irresponsible, according to international V4NA news agency.
Irresponsible Statements Could Spark a World War
Europe is sinking ever deeper into a spiral of war.
Commenting on the move, Harald Vilimsky, MEP of the Austrian Freedom Party of (FPO), asked:
What comes next? The deployment of NATO ground troops in the Russia–Ukraine war? Controlling the risk of a third world war would slip out of our hands for good, leading to inconceivable consequences for Europe and its citizens. This irresponsible spiral of escalation must therefore be broken,
– the right-wing politician said, calling on Chancellor Karl Nehammer of the Austrian People's Party (OVP) to issue without delay a strong protest against the decision of these states, as Germany and France are not only NATO members, but also members of the EU.
Now, more than ever, Austria must clearly position itself as a neutral country and offer itself as a peace mediator. It is no longer acceptable that Nehammer and his associates are gradually burying our permanent neutrality. The situation is more serious than ever. There is an urgent need for de-escalation and to facilitate peace talks in order to put an end to the senseless killing and untold suffering in this conflict,
– Harald Vilimsky stated, with regards the Russia–Ukraine war.
Cover photo: Ukrainians may be using Western weapons against Russian targets in the war (Photo: Anadolu via AFP/Diego Herrera Carcedo)
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Tovább az összes cikkhezBalazs Orban: Hungary Resists Pressure from Brussels
The government is committed to resisting obstruction and pressure from the Hungarian opposition or Brussels on issues such as energy security, migration policy, or the 13th-month pension for retirees.
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The MEP and Tisza Party president's claim of attending well over 50% of European Parliament sessions is false, Lakmusz fact-checkers say only 38%.
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This year’s CPAC Hungary also serves the purpose of merging the anti-globalist, sovereigntist wave that has emerged on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
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Aleksandar Vucic has made serious claims about the wave of protests plaguing Serbia.