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18:002024. július 01.
21:002024. július 01.

Left Reinforces Itself in Brussels with Migrant Smuggler, Antifa Manhunter

Although both Ilaria Salis and Carola Rackete had caught the attention of the authorities on suspicion of crimes , the two women not only escaped legal proceedings, but were strongly welcomed by the Left and allowed to continue their careers as MEPs.

2024. 06. 28. 17:14
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The European left hails Ilaria Salis and Carola Rackete as celebrities. In the photo above they celebrate the two MEPs after winning seats in the Brussels-based body. This is remarkable because one of the two women entered the elite of leftist-liberal politics by smuggling illegal migrants into a sovereign state, while the other took part in a manhunt by a group that is considered by many to be a terrorist organization.

Italian Ilaria Salis is the prime suspect in the Antifa attacks that took place in Budapest in 2023. It is worth recalling that in mid-February last year, at least fifteen far-left radicals, mostly foreign - German, Italian and Greek - nationals attacked eight passers-by in four locations in Hungary's capital, brutally beating them up and seriously injuring some of them. Several victims had to be taken to hospital. 

The Hungarian prosecutor's office charged Ilaria Salis with two counts of being an accomplice and one count of being an accessory to a criminal offense of attempted assault causing bodily harm committed in a criminal organization. However, after her election as an MEP for the Green and Left Alliance in Italy, the Budapest court suspended the proceedings.

Proceedings were launched against Carola Rackete  back in 2019 when the German ship captain defied the Italian authorities' ban to approach Lampedusa with around 200 migrants on board and to dock at the island's commercial port. During the manoeuvre in the port, Rackete's ship collided with one of the patrol boats, trapping it between the pier and Sea-Watch 3. The woman was taken into custody, but after four days of house arrest, the Lampedusa court dropped the charges. Then Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini ordered the German activist's expulsion.

All in all, Salis and Rackete based their appearance in public life on the crimes and dubious acts described above, and the left-wing parties were ready to take them on board in light of these incidents. 

Cover photo:  Ilaria Salis (l) and Carola Rackete (r) (Photo: MTI)

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