Report by Election Observers Misleads Public Opinion

According to Zoltan Lomnici Jr., the spokesperson of CÖF-CÖKA, the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations has behaved shockingly.

2024. 06. 15. 13:31
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Zoltan Lomniczi Jr., at CÖF's press conference, in Budapest (Photo: Mate Bach)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– They want to mislead the public deliberately, CÖF-CÖKA Spokesman Zoltan Lomnic Jr. has said, regarding a recent meeting between CÖF-CÖKA (Civil Union Forum-Civil Unity Public Benefit Foundation) and the European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO). He said the meeting was requested by ENEMO, which promised to prepare an impartial report of it. He also emphasized that they wanted sensitive financial date that could only be available for the authorities.

We were shocked to see that we are mentioned in the report together with other organisations, which is worrying in the sense that CÖF-CÖKA was the only body that they negotiated with, which can be misleading,

– the spokesman said, adding that ENEMO received no such information during the meeting that it expressed in its report later.

Mr Lomnici Jr. also found ENEMO's position - that it's unfair for a candidate to withdraw at the last minute - shocking, stressing that there were several national and international examples for candidates withdrawing in the very last minute. - Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony stepped down in favour of opposition politician Peter Marki-Zay in unclear circumstances, so the criticism from the leftist-liberal side is frivolous and unfounded, the spokesman recalled, highlighting that in 2021, Mr Karacsony withdrew from the left-wing primaries at the last minute in favor of Mr Marki-Zay, the mayor of Hodmezovasarhel

–  If the European Parliament elections can unite the spirit represented by PM Viktor Orban, Italian PM Giorgia Meloni (also the leader of the Brothers of Italy party), and Marine Le Pen, the president of the French National Rally, then the European Union can finally be turned upside down and back on its feet - Laszlo Csizmadia, the president of CÖF-CÖKA, told the press briefing. He said while the EP elections have shown that many have lost confidence in the leading politicians and ruling parties of various countries, the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance and Viktor Orban's government have received a strong mandate to continue their pro-peace policies.

In Europe, pseudo-liberalism is collapsing and there is an undeniable right-wing advance, which represents a historic change. The people of the so-called middle powers - i.e. France, Italy and Germany - voted for the sovereignty of their countries and rejected the concept of a European super state,

– the president added.

The stealthily creeping danger of an open society still exists, Mr Csizmadia said. He warned that the pseudo-liberal forces that have crept into the European People's Party would once again drive away the spirit of freedom by pseudo-right-wing methods, as demonstrated by Peter Magyar's frenzied supporters coupled with a warm hug from none other than Manfred Weber. But at the same time, those in the real pro-peace camp representing the real national interests, opposing illegal migration and rejecting the gender propaganda can finally strike a balance in the EU," Laszlo Csizmadia stated. 

Cover photo. Zoltan Lomnici Jr., the spokesman of CÖF-CÖKA (Photo: Mate Bach)


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