The Patriots for Europe group held a press conference in Brussels following the exclusion of group members from the positions of chair and vice-chair of the European Parliament's standing committees - a move that violates both written and unwritten regulations.
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"Only pro-war advocates are elected to various positions with no chance for others", said Kinga Gal, first vice president of the Patriots for Europe group, after the European Parliament's committees were formed and no significant posts went to Patriots MEPs. The group is considering a number of legal options to redress the situation.

At the press conference, the Patriots first VP reacted to the European People's Party (EPP) and the pro-war coalition of the Left allocating key posts within the European Parliament among themselves:
They cannot accept the results of the national elections and that the Patriots for Europe group has become the third largest force. Therefore, today they acted on the basis of a shameful pact to deny the Patriots the positions they deserve. They have broken the rules of European politics, the rule of law, democracy and even their own rules. This shows that they only care about democracy when it serves their own interests,
Kinga Gal said, adding that they will use all available legal means of redress. Options include appealing to the House Committee, the Constitutional Affairs Committee, or going all the way to the European Court of Justice.
Cover photo: Kinga Gal, first vice president of the Patriots for Europe EP group (Source: Facebook)
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