"The Baltic countries, instead of seeking information and understanding the facts, have started a campaign of lies against Hungary for including Russian and Belarusian nationals along with the citizens of many other countries in the National Card program," the Hungarian foreign affairs and trade minister posted on Facebook Wednesday.
Hungary FM: They Have Started a Campaign of Lies Against Hungary
Instead of becoming informed and learning the facts, the Baltic countries have launched a campaign of lies against Hungary, Peter Szijjarto said on his social media page.

Peter Szijjarto wrote:
Contrary to the false claims of the Baltic States, this decision does not in any way reduce the rigor of security checks for Russian and Belarusian citizens entering Hungary.
He added that in order to ensure that the leaders of the Baltic states are also aware of the facts, the Hungarian Security Policy State Secretary Peter Sztaray gave first-hand information to the embassies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Wednesday. Foreign Minister Szijjarto said,
Let's hope that knowing the facts will put an end to this campaign of lies.
Cover photo: Hungarian Security Policy State Secretary Peter Sztaray, gives information to the embassies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)
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