Majority Is Normal Also in Western Europe

Going against human nature upsets everything much more than allowing human nature and the created order to prevail.

2024. 08. 11. 16:31
Algeria's Imane Khelif competes in women's boxing at the Paris Olympics (Photo: AFP/Mohd Rasfan)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Woke lunatics know no stopping, and if we just look on and do nothing, they will work even more efficiently, Tamas Pindroch, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, said on the joint program Igazsag oraja (Hour of Truth) by the Center and Hir FM.

But we don't want them to work at all, and that's what Wokebusters is about,

he stressed, speaking about the initiative launched by the Center. Wokebusters have protested in a petition against the International Olympic Committee's decision to allow men to compete in women's events, as has happened in boxing.

Wokeism simultaneously sensitizes, erases the identity of Westerners, takes away their religion, takes away their national identity, and takes away their sexuality and family,

said Janos Zila, analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights. Meanwhile, it imports a crowd that is not defined on a national basis, but has a fundamental point of identity, the religion of Islam, which carries some rather aggressive consequences. These people, who know exactly how to go about things, are coming into an area where masses of people are less and less aware of who they really are, the analyst explained.

It is very important that we voice this opinion, because we are not a minority, the majority is normal also in Western Europe,

Tamas Pindroch said, speaking about the Wokebusters initiative. However, a small group, the political elite, suppresses these opinions.

I include both social and traditional media in the political elite,

he added.

Both communism and wokeism promote equality, Janos Zila noted. The starting point for wokeism is to allow everyone everything and to make everyone equal. However, the boxing competitions at the Olympics show the distortions that this leads to. Going against human nature upsets everything much more than allowing human nature and the created order to prevail, emphasized the analyst from the Center for Fundamental Rights.

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