Tamas Deutsch: Peter Magyar's Words Are Scandalous and Distasteful

The EP delegation of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats sent a letter to the president of the European Parliament. Jewish communities in Hungary have also protested against the words Peter Magyar used.

2024. 10. 12. 13:46
Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz
Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz (Source: Facebook/Tamas Deutsch)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As is known, Peter Magyar, president of the opposition Tisza Party, quoted Adolf Hitler at a demonstration a week ago and called public media employees Hitler's disciples, MEP Tamas Deutsch wrote on social media.

The words he uttered are scandalous, false and distasteful, relativizing the atrocities of the Nazi empire, including the incomprehensible tragedy of the Holocaust. It is no coincidence that Jewish communities in Hungary have also spoken out against the statements.

On behalf of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP delegation, our colleague Csaba Domotor sent a letter to the president of the European Parliament, he added.

According to Deutsch, Peter Magyar's behavior goes against the European Parliament's rules of procedure. His statement also amounts to serious misconduct under the European Parliament's practice, on the basis of which his mandate as committee vice-chair should be revoked.

The letter calls on the president of the European Parliament to take the necessary steps to this end,

Tamas Deutsch concluded his post, sharing the full text of the letter.

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, MEP of Fidesz (Source: Facebook/Tamas Deutsch)

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