Hungary Triumphs in Brussels, Minister Publishes EU Declaration

Hungary did not veto the extension of sanctions on Russia in exchange for a written guarantee from the EU to pressure Kyiv on securing the EU’s energy supply. Hungary's EU Affairs Minister, Janos Boka, unveiled the declaration, which is favorable to Hungary.

2025. 01. 28. 10:37
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Photo: AFP / Tamas Purger)
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Photo: AFP / Tamas Purger)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka made public on Facebook the declaration issued by the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the European Commission, which Hungary received in exchange for not vetoing the extension of anti-Russia sanctions. The document outlines four key points.

 Magyarország garanciákat kapott Brüsszelben
Hungary secured guarantees from Brussels (Photo: Hans Lucas via AFP)

First, the EU underscores the importance of protecting the energy infrastructure supplying member states, which all third countries must respect. The European Commission will take measures to safeguard critical infrastructure, such as power cables and pipelines.

Second, the EU reaffirms its commitment to supporting Ukraine, including the restoration and stabilization of its energy infrastructure, with Hungary and Slovakia playing pivotal roles. The Commission is engaging in negotiations with Ukraine on European gas supplies through its network and aims to involve Hungary and Slovakia in this process.

Third, the European Commission will approach Ukraine to guarantee crude oil deliveries to the EU.

And finally, the Commission references the RepowerEU plan and intends to prepare a roadmap to achieve its objectives, supporting member states’ diversification projects.

The declaration essentially means that the EU has made a written commitment to apply pressure on Ukraine to protect energy infrastructure, providing Hungary with an important guarantee.

Cover Photo: Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Photo: AFP)

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