Irish Economist Debunks Peter Magyar's Lie

Numbers don’t lie, the expert pointed out, proving that the statements by the leader of the Tisza Party are far from reality.

2025. 01. 04. 18:07
Peter Magyar, leader of the opposition Tisza Party (Source: YouTube)
Peter Magyar, leader of the opposition Tisza Party (Source: YouTube)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his New Year’s speech, Peter Magyar spent several minutes criticizing the Hungarian government’s economic policy. Among other things, the leader of the opposition Tisza Party claimed that Viktor Orban has turned Hungary into the EU’s poorest and most corrupt country.

It didn't take long for experts to set Magyar straight, as the  Mandiner portal pointed out. Irish economist Philip Pilkington took to social media platform X, writing

the opposition in Hungary deploys demoralization propaganda to talk down Hungary,

According to Pilkington, contrary to Peter Magyar’s arguments, Hungary’s per capita GDP based on purchasing power parity is 46,8 thousand US dollars, which is significantly higher than that of Greece at 42 thousand US dollars and above the regional average. 

Demoralization politics is ugly,

remarked the senior researcher at the Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, leader of the opposition Tisza Party (Source: YouTube)

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