Hungary's President: Strong Israel Essential for Europe’s Security and Protection of Jewish Communities

Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok received Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Budapest. Following their meeting, Sulyok emphasized that Hungary firmly rejects all forms of anti-Semitism, which was a key focus during the Hungary's EU presidency. President Herzog expressed his gratitude for Hungary’s support.

2025. 02. 18. 16:47
Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok received Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Budapest (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

A strong Israel is essential not only for security in the Middle East but also for Europe’s security and the protection of Jewish communities, Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok stated. He noted that Israel and Hungary share the same stance on issues related to border security, national sovereignty, and identity, and on measures to safeguard these values. "As before, we condemn the brutal terrorist attack and military aggression launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7, 2023. We denounce the inhuman treatment of hostages and the use of civilians as human shields," said Tamas Sulyok.

 Sulyok Tamás köztársasági elnök Budapesten fogadta Jichák Hercogot, Izrael államfőjét (Fotó: Kurucz Árpád)
Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok received Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Budapest (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)

Hungary condemns all forms of anti-Semitism

Tamas Sulyok reiterated that Israel has the right to self-defense and to ensure the long-term safety of its citizens.

I believe that preserving the progress in the Middle East peace process and preventing further regional wars is in our common interests. Hungary strongly condemns antisemitism and applies zero tolerance to any of its forms. This was also a priority during Hungary’s EU presidency,

the Hungarian head of state emphasized, adding that Israel can continue to rely on Hungary's support in the international arena. In the European Union, Hungary promotes a cooperation-centered position, he stressed. "As we have done so far, we Hungarians will continue to speak out and act against one-sided and distorted manifestations," he added.

We consider it important that Jewish communities living in Hungary feel safe, especially in light of what has recently been seen across Europe. Hungary is committed to keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive for future generations,

Tamas Sulyok emphasized.  The dialogue between Hungary and Israel is uninterrupted, and there are no problematic or unresolved questions between the two countries, the Hungarian president said, adding that strategic cooperation in the areas of research and development, the defense industry, and education and culture could be further deepened.

Isaac Herzog and Tamas Sulyok at Heroes' Square (Photo: Istvan Mirko)

Following the meeting, Isaac Herzog emphasized that Israel has clearly seen Hungary’s support over the past year and a half.

Hungary has shown deep friendship toward Israel and has refused to break in the midst of the anti-Semitism. Hungary’s efforts were clear in connection with the International Criminal Court's decision against Israel and other international institutions,

the Israeli president said, pointing out that

these are the moments when true friendship shows.


A shared history with Israel

Herzog noted the long-standing relationship between the Jewish and Hungarian peoples. He referred to the October 7 attacks, the horrors of which still haunt the memories of Israeli-Hungarian families. One such family, whose member remains a hostage in Gaza, attended the event.

We will not rest until they all return home,

the Israeli head of state underlined. He also commemorated the victims of the Holocaust and thanked Tamas Sulyok and Hungary's government for their efforts to root out anti-Semitism.

There were times when Jews were called superior, times when they were called Bolsheviks. There were times they were hated for not having a country, and now they are hated for having one,

Herzog recalled, stressing the importance of standing together to ensure that antisemitism does not resurface.

Finally, Isaac Herzog invited Tamas Sulyok to visit Israel and the Hungarian president accepted the invitation.

Cover photo: Israeli President Isaac Herzog met with Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok in Budapest (Photo: Arpad Kurucz)

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