Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that ending the war in Ukraine this year is entirely possible "under certain conditions.” These conditions, as Magyar Nemzet has also reported include security guarantees for Ukraine and stricter sanctions against Russia, Zelensky stated in an interview with ITV News .
In fact, every year, we have wished for our Western partners to find the strength to force Vladimir Putin to end the war,
the Ukrainian president said. He added that there is in deed a very high likelihood of the war ending, especially with the help of former U.S. President Donald Trump .
"In my opinion, Trump wants to end the war quickly,” Zelensky said. "But whether it happens quickly or not, we don’t know how it will end. What we do know is that we must remain strong.” Experts, however, argue that while Trump may be strong, the United States must act decisively in alliance with Europe.
Zelensky believes that Western sanctions have dealt a significant blow to Russia’s economy. However, Moscow has found ways to adapt, as there are "always loopholes,” he noted. He cited Russia’s shadow fleet, which bypasses the oil export ban, as an example. The Ukrainian president called for even tougher sanctions, arguing that Russia could collapse under their weight. "Everyone sees it, everyone understands it, but not everyone is acting on it,” he stated, V4NA points out.
Contradictory statements
Just a day earlier, Zelensky accused Putin of preparing for continued warfare through military buildup. "We now know that the Russians are forming new divisions and developing new military production facilities,” Zelensky said in Kyiv.
Putin is preparing not for negotiations, not for peace, but for the continuation of war—not just against us. Everyone needs to be aware of this,
Zelensky warned in a video address. He added that all European countries must strengthen their defenses. In his view, the goal should be for countries to allocate 5% of their economic output to defense spending, and he is convinced this issue will remain on the agenda.
Cover photo: Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky (Photo: AFP)