"No Brakes on the Brussels War Machine?!"

Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of European Union Affairs Barna Pal Zsigmond lashed out at the European Union’s pro-war stance on his social media page. He emphasized that European leaders continue to focus solely on themselves instead of seeking real solutions.

2025. 02. 20. 16:57
Parliamentary State Secretary Barna Pal Zsigmond (Photo: Facebook/Barna Pal Zsigmond)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

While US and Russian officials in Saudi Arabia were already negotiating the end of the war, European leaders are preoccupied with themselves rather than looking for real solutions,

Barna Pal Zsigmond posted on social media.


The pro-war groups in the European Parliament (European People’s Party, S&D, Renew, and Greens) are jointly demanding that Europe commit even more resources to providing weapons and establish a mechanism to confiscate Russian assets. The text—similar to the usual cliches of recent years—repeatedly emphasizes the importance of supporting Ukraine and facilitating its victory plan,

the state secretary of the Ministry of European Union Affairs underlined.

"Let’s speak clearly: the war has been raging for nearly three years in the country neighboring Hungary. That's enough! The solution is not to pour more money and weapons into Ukraine. The only path is a ceasefire and peace negotiations. Europe’s security is guaranteed by diplomacy, not by war,"

the politician posted.

We Hungarians have stood for peace from the beginning! Years ago, Viktor Orban warned: 'If Europe does not come up with its own peace strategy, peace will be made without it.' That has now become a reality. The new US leadership is already seeking peace, while Brussels is interested in continuing the war.

Meanwhile, people are dying on the Ukrainian front day after day, Barna Pal Zsigmond said. "How long do they intend to continue this senseless bloodshed? There are no winners in war—only losers. We want peace and prosperity in Europe—not further escalation," the politician added.

Cover photo: Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of European Union Affairs Barna Pal Zsigmond (Photo: Facebook/Barna Pal Zsigmond)

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