Overwhelming Public Support for 13th Month Pension

Under pressure from Brussels, the Left would abolish the benefit, but social support is high.

2025. 02. 13. 11:19
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

87 percent of Hungarians have a positive opinion about the 13th month pension, which was disbursed in recent days, a recent survey by Real-PR 93 reveals. In the public opinion poll conducted in early February, the Hungarian population was asked about their views on the social significance of the 13th month pension.

The 13th month pension has always been an important issue in Hungarian public life. Under pressure from Brussels, the Left would abolish the measure - as they have done before - which guarantees the financial security of the elderly. But the current government stood firm and the 13th month pension was paid on Wednesday.

The Left is currently taking a stance contrary to the will of the majority, as Hungarians almost unanimously support the simultaneous payment of the February pension and the 13th month pension to eligible citizens.

Every social group in the survey viewed the 13th month pension favorably. Only 10 per cent of the respondents expressed a negative view of this benefit.

89 percent of Budapest residents had a positive opinion about the payment of the 13th-month pension, while 86 percent of rural residents shared the same view, showing no significant difference between the two social groups in this regard.

All age groups have a positive view of the benefit, but the proportion of very good opinions increases significantly with age – from 39 percent to 66 percent. Meanwhile, among the younger age group, there is a relative majority of those who have a rather positive opinion of the 13th month pension.

Overall, 84 percent of young people (18-39 years old) have a positive opinion of the government's measure, 85 percent of middle-aged people (40-59 years old) think the same way, while understandably, support for the financial benefit is highest among the elderly (60+ years old), at 91 percent.



Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: Vilaggazdasag/Gyorgy Kallus)

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