Peter Magyar's Activists Would Immediately Abolish 13th Month Pension, Pension Premium, Early Retirement

Retirees would face severe financial losses if the wishes of Peter Magyar's activists were to come true. Based on discussions within the Tisza Party's internal "program writing" group, the activists would immediately do away with Hungary's 13th month pension, the pension premium, and the Women40 (Nok40) program, which allows for early retirement. The issue of the elderly's death also regularly surfaces among the party program writers.

2025. 02. 05. 15:39
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Tisza Party activists favor a full-scale offensive against retirees. Shocking discussions are taking place in the party's internal program-writing Discord group about how to cut benefits for the elderly.

First, it's important to clarify that Discord is an online platform where users can communicate via text and voice. Peter Magyar's party has been using this platform for months, and their program-writing group also operates there.

This group is so significant within the organization that Tisza politicians have frequently referenced it, and it is filled with the party's official moderators. and party chief Peter Magyar himself also gives instructions there.

Former Otpor activist bent on saving money off retirees

Returning to the program writers' exchanges, one regular participant in this group is Gabor Gutasi, who Magyar Nemzet wrote about in an article Tuesday . According to him, he was an enthusiastic participant in the protests of the Otpor! movement in Serbia, which employed aggressive, anarchist methods.

Gutasi is preparing for a political career within the Tisza Party, as he mentioned in his reasoning at the beginning of January. But the most interesting information he shared in the Tisza Discord group concerns pensions. He would abolish the 13th month pension and instead support families in some form—this, written by an activist preparing to become a parliamentary representative under Tisza Party colors.

Another user discussing economic consolidation also proposed the same solution. "There are two possible ways out, both painful. One is similar to the consolidation applied in Greece, meaning adding another layer to the crisis and making the economy sustainable through further austerity measures. For example, phasing out or suspending the 13th month pension. The point is that we need to make much bigger cuts, even though it already hurts. But at least death will be rapid, paving the way for resurrection. The Bokros package was like this too," reads the reasoning. The activist suggested that many elements from the brutal austerity measures in Argentina could be applied here and again specifically mentioned abolishing the 13th month pension.

One of their long-standing pet peeves

This topic was already of high importance in Peter Magyar's group last year, and Tisza's program writers consistently argued for abolishing the 13th month pension.

One of them wrote at the end of December: "The 13th month pension should be abolished entirely." The same Tisza member argued similarly in August, mentioning that they hadn't heard Peter Magyar comment on the 13th month pension yet, a measure they deem to be extremely harmful. "It costs an incredible amount; we're simply not a rich enough country to pay people a 13th month pension. (...) My opinion is clear: an eventual new government must abolish the 13th month pension immediately, no matter the political cost." According to another party program writer, the problem is that if, for example, VAT on basic foods is reduced but the 13th month pension is abolished, most retirees won't calculate the difference. In other words, there are no new ideas, the solution remains: the 13th month benefit must be abolished.

Taxing Pensions

Explicitly anti-elderly opinions also appeared. Someone wrote that "the entire pension system, as it stands, is garbage." It was also stated that the 13th month pension serves to politically appease the elderly. The benefit was even compared to a 13th-month salary, which is tied to extra performance.

"The 13th month pension is a ridiculous handout to retirees," one program writer said, then argued that most people don't earn enough to cover their pensions even if they were to get back all the money they had paid into the system along with the interest. "We quickly realize that the retirees' contributions paid into the system aren't enough to cover even a quarter of the payouts. If everyone switched to private pensions, most retirees would starve to death out on the streets," claimed the Tisza activist.

Another member of Tisza's Discord group argued that "abolishing the 13th month pension is justified, but first, he fund needs to be built up. Pensions should be grossed, which would counter the feeling that they contribute nothing." Grossing pensions would mean making them subject to personal income tax, similar to wages.


Abolishing Women40 and the Pension Premium

Another member went even further, stating that the Women40 (Nok40) program, which allows women to retire after forty years of work, "is nonsense too; it should either be abolished, or there should also be a Men40 (Ferfiak40), or neither." Another commenter targeted the pension premium, writing: "What? A premium? Why does a retiree get a premium??? Premium??? If I work more and better, I get a bonus. On what basis does a retiree get one? Because they stayed retired better? Voted for me better? Didn't die better? Instead of giving a pension premium, we should give proper pensions that people can live on," was the peculiar reasoning from the Tisza member. This found agreement, with another program writer indicating that they were also "done" with the pension premium, joking that the pension premium is like "retirees are some kind of corporate employees."

The death of retirees is a recurring topic

The death of the elderly is a regularly resurfacing issue in these discussions.

Beyond the previous comments, one user, for example, wrote: "Why is there a pension? Why do people get pensions?? Why do we give them pensions?? Why do we pay them when they do nothing?" To this, another responded: "Yeah, there's no benefit from them anymore, I know, so we should at least legalize euthanasia."

Summarizing the stance of the Tisza Party's program writers, it can be stated that retirees cannot expect anything good to come of a possible Peter Magyar and his group win in the 2026 elections.

They're not alone in this

Even Peter Magyar himself doesn't speak any more kindly about retirees than his activists do—just listen to the publicly released audio recordings.

Peter Magyar's advisor, the so-called"green baron" Gyorgy Rasko, didn't just hurl insults; he argued in a Facebook post that the mass death of the elderly would benefit the Tisza Party. (From 19:28 in the video.)

Regarding the abolition of the 13th month pension, they seem to be preaching to the choir in the program-writing group: Peter Magyar's politicians repeatedly campaign against the benefit, and economist Maria Zita Petschnig, who joined Tisza, also recently openly stated that she does not support the 13th month pension. (From 2:2:24:10 in the video.)

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