PM Orban: Trump Has Changed the West's Mindset

Donald Trump has completely changed the Western world’s mindset within a few weeks, stated Hungary's prime minister in an excerpt of the interview with Tucker Carlson. In the video shared on Facebook, Viktor Orban pointed out that the US president has broken taboos by openly speaking about the dangers of migration, the importance of economic competitiveness, respect for Christian values, and the primacy of peace.

2025. 02. 16. 11:19
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In the video, the Hungarian prime minister emphasized that Trump’s presidency has already brought fundamental changes to the Western world. "Donald Trump has changed the mindset of the West, I think this is the key issue," PM Orban said, noting that previously the prevailing view on migration was that it is a good thing, and that action against it is bad. But now public opinion has changed and protecting the interests of nation-states is a positive thing, while illegal immigration is a problem.

Orbán Viktor: Trump helyreállította a józan észt
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in interview with Tucker Carlson (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)

A similar transformation has taken place regarding the economy and green policy, PM Orban said, highlighting that previously, sustainability came before everything else, bot now economic competitiveness has regained it priority. 

Protection of traditional values has gained importance

Viktor Orban took the view that Trump also broke with the approach that pushed Christian values and communities into the background.

We have often been ridiculed, mocked and so on, but now the president said it is a respectful thing,

he said.  A sharp turn also occurred in attitudes toward family. The Hungarian prime minister recalled that for a long time, the Western world regarded the institution of the family as outdated, but now more and more people are recognizing its importance.

The protection of traditional values is a good thing,

he said. Additionally, Trump made the dangers of gender propaganda clear—a stance that was once widely supported but is now facing increasing criticism.

The issue of war and peace has also undergone a significant change, PM Orban pointed out.

In the past three years in Europe, they always said that war is good and peace is bad,

Viktor Orban recalled

Politicians calling for peace negotiations were previously criticized, while those promoting war rhetoric were supported. However, this has also changed.

Viktor Orban believes these changes are favorable for Hungary. In his view, Trump’s approach means a return to common sense, which helps nation-states and could create a more stable global political environment.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Tucker Carlson (Source: Facebook/Viktor Orban)


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