Tamas Deutsch: Systemic Corruption Permeates EU Institutions

Tamas Deutsch, leader of Hungary's Fidesz-Christian Democrats (KDNP) delegation in the European Parliament and member of the Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control, stated that the Patriots for Europe group considers it unacceptable and a gross violation of legal obligations regarding transparency and accountability that both the European Commission’s 2023 Anti-Fraud Report and the draft budget discharge reports seek to conceal the largest corruption scandals in the history of the European Union.

2025. 02. 10. 16:57
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As the rapporteur for the budget discharge report on behalf of the Patriots for Europe group, Deutsch pointed out that while Brussels bureaucrats have been lecturing others for years about the importance of fighting corruption, systemic corruption has infiltrated EU institutions, and the Brussels power elite has become entangled in mafia-like operations. "Today, the media is full of stories about rolling suitcases stuffed with tens of thousands of euros, vaccines ordered via text messages for billions of euros, and a former EU commissioner under criminal investigation for corruption and money laundering," he said.

Az Európai Parlament korábbi alelnöke, Eva Kaili
Eva Kaili, former European Parliament Vice President (Photo: AFP/Frederick Florin)


Despite these scandals, the newly presented audit report on the functioning of the European Parliament, prepared by a German MEP from the European People's Party, does not even mention the biggest corruption case in EU history, involving former European Parliament Vice President Eva Kaili and her accomplices. According to Deutsch, the European Parliament has failed to protect the EU’s financial interests in this regard.

In response, on behalf of the Patriots for Europe group, Deutsch has submitted a comprehensive amendment package to the report. The proposals include stricter internal regulations on corruption-related crimes, substantive investigative measures and tronger oversight mechanisms to prevent similar corruption scandals in the future.

Illusztráció Brüsszel
Illustration. European Parliament, Brussels (Photo: Hans Lucas/AFP Martin Bertrand)

In his amendments proposal, Deutsch also highlighted the failure of the EU’s current internal rules to combat and uncover corruption effectively. He called for immediate action, including a complete overhaul of the Committee on Budgetary Control’s operations. Instead of politically attacking member states, there should be increased scrutiny of EU institutions themselves, he stressed.

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, Member of European Parliament heading Fidesz-Christian Democrat (KDNP) delegation (Source: Facebook/Deutsch Tamas)

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