Daniel Deak: Russia-U.S. Peace Talks Continue

Daniel Deak, chief analyst at XXI Century Institute, wrote on social media that the ongoing U.S.-Russia negotiations aimed at achieving peace as soon as possible will continue in the future. The talks between Trump and Putin also touched on the Russian-Ukrainian prisoner exchange and the situation of Ukrainian forces trapped in the Kursk region.

Forrás: Facebook2025. 03. 19. 15:22
Daniel Deak, chief analyst at XXI Century Institute (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It was announced that U.S.-Russia peace talks will continue on Sunday. Both sides assessed yesterday’s phone conversation positively,

the analyst posted.

Daniel Deak outlined the key points of the negotiations in five statements:

Despite everyone’s desire to achieve a full ceasefire as quickly as possible, the complexity of the situation means that progress is slow. Yesterday, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin held a two-hour phone conversation and managed to agree on a partial ceasefire. Following the talks, the Russian president issued orders to the Russian military to implement it.

According to the analyst, Putin also presented his demands regarding the ensuring of the 30-day ceasefire proposed by Trump. Additionally, discussions included the rearmament of the Ukrainian military and the potential suspension of U.S. military aid to Ukraine. 

The negotiations also covered a planned prisoner exchange on March 19, as well as the fate of Ukrainian troops still holding parts of the Kursk region. Russian forces have surrounded thousands of Ukrainian soldiers there, making their situation also a topic in the talks,

Deak wrote.

On Sunday, another round of negotiations between Russia and the United States will take place in Saudi Arabia to address the Ukrainian conflict. The meeting aims to clarify the details of the Russian-American agreements, with expectations of further steps toward resolving the conflict,

the analyst summarized.

Cover photo: Daniel Deak, chief analyst at XXI Century Institute (Source: Facebook)

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