Until the end of the month, devout Muslims fast from dawn to dusk in observance of Ramadan. However, in Austrian schools, the fact that students are not eating or drinking during this month is causing growing problems. Although Muslim children are not actually required to fast, there are more and more cases where students have "severely low blood sugar levels and are tired," said Thomas Krebs, a member of a teachers’ union in Vienna, the international V4NA news agency reported.
Austria's integration minister has also responded to the current situation in schools. "Children must be able to properly follow their lessons – the health of the school and the children clearly takes priority over religious rules that are misinterpreted by individuals," Ms. Claudia Plakolm told the Austrian Heute newspaper. "Anyone living with us must adhere to our values. This includes coming to school well-rested and being able to concentrate on lessons," OVP's politician continued. She also stated that the question arises as to what health consequences this could have for the children’s development.
Ms. Plakolm "clearly" believes that whether or not the children fast is the responsibility of the parents and the Muslim religious community.
The Islamic Religious Community of Austria (IGGO) has specifically pointed out in a guideline that children may stop fasting at any time while at school if health issues arise. But even despite this clear recommendation, the pressure remains high.
Children fasting during Ramadan often do so not of their own will, but because they submit to the intense pressure from their peers,
the Heute newspaper highlights.
Cover photo: Illustration (Source: Pexels)
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