Viktor Orban Offers Memorabilia Jersey for Charity Auction

The love of football and the desire to contribute to a good cause brought Viktor Orban and the editors of TrollFoci together. On behalf of the editorial team, Andras Nemeth asked the prime minister for help with a charity auction. PM Orban did not hesitate and donated a truly special jersey for the bidding. The editors spoke with Viktor Orban for nearly two hours, and naturally, the upcoming Hungary-Turkiye Nations League playoff on Sunday was also discussed.

2025. 03. 23. 11:55
The jersey to be auctioned was signed for Hungary’s prime minister by Adam Szalai (Source: Trollfoci)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

TrollFoci, a popular football-themed social media page, has been organizing charity auctions for years. Through these initiatives, they have managed to raise millions of forints for those in need. The memorabilia put up for auction are sourced by the editorial team themselves, and whenever they reach out to someone, that person is usually happy to support the initiative. They continue to welcome donations from anyone ready to contribute.

Viktor Orban is supporting TrollFoci’s charity campaign with a valuable Real Madrid jersey (Photo: TrollFoci)

The prime minister brought a true rarity

A few months ago, the charity ambassador of the page, Andras Nemeth, wrote a letter to Viktor Orban, among others, requesting that if possible, he support a charity event with a personal memorabilia. The prime minister welcomed the request and arrived at the Ziccer Sport Bar on Saturday with a truly valuable jersey.

"We knew that the prime minister loves football, so our friend Andras Nemeth thought of reaching out to him. Andras is the driving force behind our auctions. He is the one who passionately plans and organizes these initiatives." 

Viktor Orban donated a jersey that may only exist in one or two copies. He brought Adam Szalai’s long-sleeved Real Madrid jersey, which was personally signed for him by Adam,

Frigyes Nagy, one of the editors at TrollFoci, told Magyar Nemzet.

The jersey will be auctioned off in support of the One Step More (Egy Lepessel Tobb) Foundation. Pal Gyorfi, spokesperson for the National Ambulance Service and an ambassador for the foundation, thanked both the prime minister and TrollFoci for the donation during the handover of the jersey.

A moment of brilliance could be decisive against Turkey

After handing over the jersey, Viktor Orban continued talking with the editors of TrollFoci about football for nearly two hours. The prime minister revealed that one of his all-time favorite teams is the 1966 Hungarian national squad. They also talked about the time the he scored a goal for the local Felcsut team at the age of 41 in a 6-2 victory against Budafok.

Of course, the Hungary-Turkiye match was also a topic we discussed. The prime minister was also frustrated about the result in Istanbul, but we agreed that qualification is still within reach in the return leg. He said he hopes for an individual performance or a moment of brilliance that will keep the team in League A,

said Frigyes Nagy, sharing details about the conversation.

The jersey donated by Viktor Orban will be auctioned off on TrollFoci's page, where bids can be placed


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