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21:002024. július 05.

PM Orban's four-point plan can bring change in Brussels

The primary way to change is for sovereigntists to achieve a good result in the national and EP elections, a senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights told Magyar Nemzet, responding to PM Orban's four points on the need for change in Brussels.

2023. 09. 19. 10:48
A brüsszeli döntéshozók nem Európa érdekeit tartják szem előtt
Brüsszel, 2023. március 21. Uniós zászlók az Európai Bizottság székháza, a Berlaymont-épület elõtt Brüsszelben 2023. március 21-én. MTI/Balogh Zoltán Fotó: Balogh Zoltán
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The significance of the four points published by PM Orban lies in the fact that they capture very well the essence of the opposition to Brussels and our disputed issues. This offers an excellent guidance as to how Hungary's government thinks differently about the world than the federalist-globalist circle in Brussels, and reflects the thoughts shared by the prime minister at CPAC Hungary," Laszlo Dornfeld, senior analyst at the Center for Fundamental Rights, told Magyar Nemzet.

KAILI, Eva Brüsszel
 Change needed in Brussels Photo: Julien Warnand

As our paper reported, Hungary's prime minister shared a post on Facebook on Sunday, pointing out that change is needed in Brussels. PM Orban highlighted the following four key points: peace must be created along Europe's borders; the task of the leaders in Brussels is not to push gender propaganda and migration, but to represent the people of Europe; the bloc's common borders must be protected, and families must be supported; Brussels' double standards against the Poles and the Hungarians must be abolished.

Speaking to our paper, the expert also highlighted that creating peace in Ukraine is first and foremost, closely followed by the rejection of migration and gender propaganda, the protection of borders and families, and finally abandoning double standards against member states. Achieving these would essentially be in the interest of all European citizens.

"The primary way to change is for sovereigntists to achieve a good result in the national and EP elections. This would ensure that decision-making positions in key EU institutions would be filled by people who are looking after the interests of member states and citizens, rather than following the instructions of ideological and economic interest groups,

he underlined.

Political corruption has become commonplace in the Brussels swamp, as shown by Ursula von der Leyen’s text messaging scandal or the Eva Kaili’s bribery scandal, the expert pointed out. If there are enough people with nationalist sentiments in the European Council and the EP, they can influence EU decision-making. Also, these two institutions pick the next president of the European Commission, he stressed.

“As far as alliances are concerned, we don’t have a too much maneuvering space at the moment, but Hungary’s prime minister has often shown his pragmatic approach to European politics."

said the senior analyst.

He recalled that it was PM Orban, together with French President Macron, who smashed Manfred Weber's chances of becoming EC president, and Weber has not forgiven him for it ever since. “It is also clear that the issue of sovereignty is above classical politics: the left-wing Robert Fico, the liberal Andrej Babis or the aforementioned Emmanuel Macron often emphasize its importance in their speeches. Viktor Orban is currently the most experienced leader in European politics, so we can be sure that these alliances are being built or will be built at the right moment," he said.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh )

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