Migrant flow in Balkans is faster-paced and more organized

The relentless influx of migrants transiting through Bosnia to the European Union is unstoppable.

2023. 10. 20. 16:58
Blazuj, 2020. június 19. Illegális bevándorlók Szarajevó egyik elõvárosa, Blazuj egykori laktanyájában 2020. június 19-én. A legutóbbi hivatalos adatok szerint több mint hatezer illegálisan érkezett és az Európai Unió gazdagabb államaiba igyekvõ migráns tartózkodik Boszniában. MTI/EPA/Fehim Demir Fotó: Fehim Demir
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The number of illegal migrants arriving in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased. They are entering the country mainly from Serbia and Montenegro, Muris Selimovic, coordinator of one of the local reception centers, told the press

Selimovic said that in previous years, the number of migrant arrivals fluctuated considerably, depending on weather conditions and the time of year. In winter, fewer came and were slower to progress, while in summer, larger numbers swept through, typically moving faster along the Balkan route. When the weather was better, they spent less time in a given country. But this has changed, the coordinator pointed out, explaining that routes with less congestion are now being favored.

Migrants embark on the Balkan route via Serbia, the expert says, where they can take one of several routes, depending on which smuggling gang they choose to use, or whether they will attempt to make their way to the European Union on their own. Most of them head for Hungary, trying to cross into the EU through the country's southern border fence, and if successful continue on to Western Europe.

Nevertheless, Bosnia is also being selected by many as a transit country. In August of this year, for example, the authorities registered four thousand illegal immigrants. This represents a fourfold increase compared to May, when only about a thousand migrants were registered, said Selimovic, who determined the number of illegal immigrants arriving in the country this year to be 27,500. According to others, there may be many more, for the majority of migrants try to remain under the radar, and instead of going through the mandatory administration, they try to get through the Balkan countries more rapidly. Armed human traffickers and criminal gangs are helping them in this endeavor.

The reception centre coordinator also pointed out that Bosnia is facing a huge burden in keeping migrants under control. The country operates four temporary reception centers, which can accommodate around 5,000 migrants. He said that efforts were being made to monitor every step of registered migrants from their entry into the country to their exit, with monitoring capacity constantly being increased to prevent gangs of mostly young men from roaming the streets.

He added that the transit and fluctuation of migrants is accelerating, which is also posing an increasing challenge to the authorities.

Cover photo: Illegal immigrants in the former military barracks in Blazuj, a suburb of Sarajevo, on June 19, 2020. (Photo: MTI/EPA/Fehim Demir)



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