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18:002024. július 05.
21:002024. július 05.

Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria Presidents Make Joint Stance For Families

The Network of Family-Friendly Presidents has issued a joint New Year statement on the importance of families. The document, signed by the Hungarian, Serbian and Bulgarian heads of state, was published by Hungarian President Katalin Novak on Monday, on the Sandor Palace's website.

2024. 01. 02. 13:36
Forrás: FB!/ Novák Katalin
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The statement - signed by Presidents Katalin Novak of Hungary, Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia and Rumen Radev of Bulgaria - asserts that the Network of Family-Friendly Presidents sees the beginning of each year as an opportunity to learn from the past and plan for the future, to seize the opportunities ahead with renewed optimism and hope, and to address the issues that matter to us.

"We raise our voices, this time for the importance of families in today's world. We believe that families are the foundation of society, the source of our values and the strength of our nations. Families provide support, guidance and love, shaping our character and identity,"

they wrote in the statement.

They emphasized that family was also the best environment to raise children, who chart the path on which nations walk and shape the future of the Earth. Strong families ensure a culture of responsibility that contributes to sustainability, and reduces the threats of, climate change, they stressed.

They said they believed that families deserve protection, support and recognition from states and societies. Therefore, they strongly support measures that promote family well-being, strengthen family cohesion, provide a supportive environment for starting a family, enable women to thrive as mothers and at work, help those in need and create a secure future for children, they said.

They encourage their citizens to continue in the New Year to cherish the family as the most important institution in society and to help those in need.

"Let's act for our families and thus, for our countries,"

  they wrote in their statement, wishing peace, prosperity, health and a happy New Year.


Cover photo: Hungarian President Katalin Novak (Source: Facebook/Katalin Novak)

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