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21:002024. július 02.
18:002024. július 05.

EU Leadership's Great Failure Is the Increasing Pervasion of Violence

"Neither prosperity nor peace are guaranteed under the current leadership in Brussels," the head of the Fidesz parliamentary group said on Kossuth Radio's Sunday morning program.

Forrás: MTI2024. 05. 19. 14:29
Hungary's ruling Fidesz Party Parliamentary Group Leader Mate Kocsis (Photo: MTI/Tibor Katona)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to Mate Kocsis, change is needed in European leadership because it is incapable of guaranteeing European citizens precisely what the EU was created to do.

Peace and prosperity were promised by the founding fathers of the Union, but the last five years, this last term of the European Parliament and the European Commission show that the current EU leadership is unable to guarantee this, and instead we have war and economic decline,

the Fidesz politician noted, saying that with the temporary loss of Robert Fico from among pro-peace politicians, the significance of the European Parliamentary elections has increased. He also pointed out that

the assassination attempt on the Slovak prime minister was carried out by a pro-war, pro-Ukraine activist,

who has repeatedly voiced his opposition to the pro-peace policies of the Fico government. The war psychosis is so great, the parliamentary group leader says, that it completely permeates the daily lives of European citizens, regardless of whether they are for war or for peace.

A great failure of European Union leadership is that the last few years have been about violence gaining ground on the continent, with terrorist attacks, anti-fascist violence on the streets, the war and now assassinations,

he listed as examples and then added that in his opinion, politics that brings terrorist attacks, assassinations, street violence and war psychosis is not good, which is why the current European leadership must be replaced.

Every malicious comment, every wish for the death of others or mocking of it is only a consequence, because the current European leaders have made violence and thinking about war a part of everyday life.

"It is absolutely shocking that the serious leaders of major European countries, such as the French president and the Swedish prime minister, are making statements about the use of nuclear weapons," he added, noting that, "with this talk of deploying weapons, the wave of violence, the preparations for war, the whole continent seems to have lost its peaceful, prosperous, calm atmosphere.

All this also raises the stakes of the European elections in Hungary, as well, as the government is up against the leftist opposition, or in other words, the anti-sovereignists or globalists, who chant the same mantras, not necessarily because they believe so, but because their Western financiers want them to,

said the Fidesz group leader, who believes that the majority of European citizens do not want war.


Cover photo: Hungary's ruling Fidesz Party Parliamentary Group Leader Mate Kocsis (Photo: MTI/Tibor Katona)


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