Hungarian Delegation Chief Urges NATO Involvement in Starting Ukraine Peace Talks

The time has come for NATO to take on a greater role in the Ukraine peace mission and to launch meaningful negotiations, Lorinc Nacsa, head of Hungary's parliamentary delegation told the NATO Parliamentary Summit in Washington on Tuesday.

Forrás: MTI2024. 07. 10. 14:23
NACSA Lõrinc
Hungarian Ministerial Commissioner for Coordinating Religious Tourism Action Plan and MP Lorinc Nacsa speaking at the signing of the partnership agreement on the launch of a specialized training course in religious tourism at the Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University in Eger, Hungary on June 14, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Janos Vajda) Fotó: Vajda János
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

 In his speech the MP presented Hungary's position involving ceasefire and peace, as the war is claiming an alarming number of lives and sacrifices, he told MTI. He condemned the attack on the hospital in Kyiv and stressed that Hungary would provide needed humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

He also informed the parliamentary delegations of NATO member states that Hungary will not participate in NATO's coordination mission in Ukraine, a move that has received guarantees from both the current and the future Secretary General.

The deputy group leader of Hungary's Christian Democratic party (KDNP) believes concerted action is necessary to tackle the security challenges in the world, such as wars, terrorism and managing illegal migration.

As head of the Hungarian parliamentary delegation, Lorinc Nacsa called it a great success that Hungary has already reached the defense spending target of 2% of GDP, which many of the wealthier member states have yet to meet. He also said that Hungary is a strong and respected member of NATO and Hungarian soldiers are spoken of in the highest terms.

The NATO Parliamentary Summit was held at the initiative of Mike Johnson, US Speaker of the House of Representatives and Michael Turner the chief of the US delegation. It was attended by the legislative body leaders of the 32 member States and Ukraine; 23 countries were represented at speaker level.

Cover photo: Hungarian Ministerial Commissioner for Coordinating Religious Tourism Action Plan and MP Lorinc Nacsa, speaking at the signing of the partnership agreement on the launch of a specialized training course in religious tourism at the Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University in Eger, Hungary on June 14, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Janos Vajda)


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