President Vucic: Only Hungarians Dare to Talk About Peace

Serbia's president spoke about the courage of PM Orban at a reception in Belgrade, on the occasion of the Hungarian presidency. Aleksandar Vucic emphasized that peace was what is most needed at the moment.

2024. 07. 06. 11:23
Viktor Orban - Aleksandar Vucic meeting in Serbia
Prime Minister Viktor Orban (l) meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (r) in Belgrade on July 8, 2021. (Photo: Filip Stevanovic/Anadolu Agency/Anadolu via AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Aleksandar Vucic spoke about the importance of peace at an event held in Belgrade on the occasion of the Hungarian presidency. In his speech, Serbia's president congratulated the Hungarians for not being afraid to use a word that many tend to avoid today. And this is none other than "peace." In particular, he highlighted the Hungarian prime minister's mission for peace.

Alekszandar Vucsics szerb elnök és Orbán Viktor magyar miniszterelnök közös sajtótájékoztatót tart Belgrádban, 2023. szeptember 29-én. (Fotó: Milos Miskov / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu az AFP-n keresztül)
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban hold a joint press conference in Belgrade, on September 29, 2023. (Photo: Milos Miskov / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu via AFP)

I congratulate Viktor Orbán on his courage, and I congratulate your government. I tried to talk about it many times, but I realized that if I play the devil's advocate, I will be the devil. I think peace is what is most needed. We won't achieve peace by treading the current path, and I don't see in whose interest it,

 – said the Serbian president.

As Magyar Nemzet highlighted earlier, PM Orbán of Hungary, the country holding the rotating presidency of the European Council, has recently visited Kyiv and Moscow as part of his peace mission.


Vucic: The next six months will be decisive

Aleksandar Vucic also spoke about Serbia's European integration, pointing out that the Balkan country knows what its tasks and obligations are. He emphasized that his country is part of Europe and has nowhere else to go. 

I just ask all those who are not always satisfied with Serbia's approach to understand that we are a sovereign and independent country and we have our own opinion. I would like to thank my Hungarian friends for all their support, they can consider Serbia as a sincere friend! Serbia may not be a big and important country for the EU, but it is always good to have a friend, even if it is not big and important,

 – he said. He added that Serbia can return the same respect to Europe and its member states. President Vucic congratulated Hungary on its rotating presidency, and pointed out that the next six months will be decisive for Belgrade.

I'm afraid you'll be in for more difficulties than you may have expected, but I hope that it will be much easier for us and for others. Long live the friendship between Serbia and Hungary, long live the partnership with our European frie

– the Serb president stated, in conclusion.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban meets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on July 8, 2021. (Photo: Filip Stevanovic/Anadolu Agency/Anadolu via AFP)

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