Balazs Hanko: Without Peace, There Will Be No Europe

The series of programs entitled '1100 Years in Europe, 20 Years in the EU' comes to an end.

Forrás: MTI2024. 12. 29. 16:30
Hungary's Culture and Innovation Minister Balazs Hanko (MTI/Lajos Soos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"'European-ness' is based on respect for tradition, straight talk and the belief that there is still more that unites European nations than divides them," Hungary's minister for Culture and Innovation said at the '1100 Years in Europe, 20 Years in the EU' cultural program closing event held Saturday in Budapest. In his speech, Balazs Hanko stressed that Europe is in our souls and our hearts, and if we were to deny any of the fundamental European values - historically rooted art, Christian faith or modern democracy, we would be lost.

Being European is an ethos and a sense of life, a moral truth, which are nowadays called values, because many people unfortunately preach the relativism of truth. According to the minister, defending the foundations of European heritage and traditions is a mission of a nation that is proud to be Hungarian, proud of its Eastern roots, culture, Christian faith and its commitment, and also stands up for its families and young people.


We have a vested interest in a Europe true to its traditions

Balazs Hanko also said that when the series of programs was announced at the beginning of the Hungarian EU Presidency, the aim was to reinforce the existence and essence of the European concept and to make it clear that we Hungarians are interested in a strong, competitive Europe, as well as Europeans committed to family security and faithful to their heritage.

We are also convinced that we have the mandate to defend a strong Europe that is true to its traditions,

he stressed.

Assessing the EU presidency, the minister said that the country has successfully managed a tough, battle- and had work-filled, but fruitful six months. The Hungarian government was inspired by the need to promote decision making that can be interpreted in the original and still valid European spirit. He said that they were proud that Bulgaria and Romania had finally become part of the Schengen area, a step that broadened the scope of European cooperation and reduced the constraints, and strengthened relations between Hungarians within and outside our borders.


Without peace, there will be no Europe


The minister applauded the focus on the issue of European economic competitiveness and underlined that the Hungarian government has always been committed to the cause of European peace.

"Europe will not develop and cannot maintain its values if war rages on its territory," he said.

 If we want Europe, then we have to want peace,

he said, adding that if there is no peace, there will be no Europe either.

Speaking about the coming year, Balazs Hanko said that it could be a turning point in the history of Europe. "If we can put the war behind us, if the economy can strengthen, if our relations with the United States, Asia and other continents can be fruitful again, then Europe can once again be the Europe capable of shaping the world," he said.

 If we safeguard a Europe of strong nations proud of their heritage, then Europe will safeguard us.

Unique Hungarian cultural heritage

In his welcome speech, Peter Ertl, managing director of the National Dance Theatre in Budapest, said that the series of programs was not only a celebration of the rich history and traditions of Hungarian culture, but also an opportunity to showcase the globally unique Hungarian cultural heritage. For the National Dance Theatre, it was an opportunity to showcase the unique Hungarian dance heritage in a choreography entitled Karoltve (together).

The result was a production where respect for differences and a spirit of cooperation represented the true strength,

he added.

"Over the past six months, Karoltve has symbolically connected the venues of the program series, as well as serving as a bridge between Hungary and the European Union and between creators and dance lovers, while showcasing the liberating experience of dance, the unity of our nation and the infinite potential of dance," Peter Ertl explained.


Cover photo: Hungary's Culture and Innovation Minister Balazs Hanko (MTI/Lajos Soos) 

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