Patriots' Faction Holds its First External Session in Budapest

The meeting carries historic significance for the party, as it marks the first time that its members convene for an external session.

2024. 12. 06. 8:37
Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal addresses a press briefing before a plenary session of the EP in Strasbourg (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal addresses a press briefing before a plenary session of the EP in Strasbourg (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In connection with the event, Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal wrote in her post that today’s gathering will strengthen our fight for a Europe built on strong nation-states.

In June, Prime Minister Viktor Orban endorsed the Patriots Manifesto, which was co-signed in Vienna alongside Herbert Kickl, the leader of Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO), and former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis, chairman of the ANO party. Back then, during a press briefing dubbed "Patriots for Europe", Mr. Orban emphasized the need to reform European politics, stating that Europe is on the brink of a new era.

In her post today, Ms. Gal noted that over sixty MEPs are expected to arrive in Budapest.


Cover photo: Fidesz MEP Kinga Gal addresses a press briefing before a plenary session of the EP in Strasbourg (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

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