Pressman So Unacceptable That Even His Traces Were Expunged

The US embassy’s website has been cleaned up, just a few weeks after David Pressman, the failed ambassador, secretly and cowardly fled Hungary following Joe Biden and the Democrats' defeat. Now, the removal of David Pressman’s speeches and statements indicates that his tenure has become extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable.

2025. 02. 04. 15:07
David Pressman, failed US ambassador to Budapest (Photo: AFP)
David Pressman, failed US ambassador to Budapest (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Every trace of David Pressman, Joe Biden’s failed ambassador to Budapest, is being erased. The US embassy’s website has been meticulously scrubbed of all content related to Pressman. As of January 29, Pressman's statements were still accessible, but afterward, our staff could no longer find any of them, nor could they locate his speeches, which have also disappeared without a trace.

Eltűntették David Pressman létezésének nyomait az Egyesült Államok nagykövetségének honlapjáról
All traces of David Pressman's existence has been erased from the US embassy's website

A significant amount of media content has been removed—around 150 statements and news pieces. They have tried to make it seem as if these events never happened. In addition to his speeches, in which he relentlessly attacked the Hungarian government, Pressman’s biography has also vanished.

Even posts regarding the sanctioning of Antal Rogan have been deleted, as well as his speeches given at Soros's university. If one searches on Google, the embassy’s previously available articles related to Pressman still appear as titles, but clicking on them 

leads only to a 404 error page instead of press material.

A keresőmotor még megtalálja a Pressman-cikkek címeit, de elolvasni már nem lehet azokat
Search engines still show the titles of Pressman's articles, but they can no longer be read

Pressman’s former colleagues left nothing to chance: several articles are no longer even available through the Internet Archive, such as his speech at Soros's university, where he stated:

We will certainly not wait out the Orban administration. We will act.

Similarly, his speech titled Democracy, Love, and Fear has also vanished, in which disgraced Pressman admitted that his work in Hungary had become exhausting. While some excerpts from his speeches can still be found in the press and on social media, their full and official texts were only available on the embassy’s website—until his person became too embarrassing.

Szőrén-szálán eltűntek Pressman beszédei
Pressman's speeches have completely disappeared

No post or article about David Pressman can be found in the news feed of the US embassy’s website.

David Pressman a nagykövetség hírfolyamából is eltűnt
David Pressman has been removed from the embassy's news feed

Pressman was unacceptable

During his mission in Hungary, David Pressman acted more like a governor than a leading diplomat. From the start, he made it clear that he would use different methods than his predecessors, stating that he was sent to Hungary at Joe Biden’s personal request and that he wanted to achieve results. During his stay, he openly declared that traditional diplomatic tools did not work in Budapest, which is why he needed to use "other means."

On behalf of the Biden administration, David Pressman continuously sought to pressure the Hungarian government—unsuccessfully. He referred to EU sanctions, for example, when he said:

Perhaps more than ever before, the United States is focused on our relationship with Hungary. We are paying close attention to the choices Hungary is making. Further irresponsible behavior will inevitably change our bilateral relations.

At one point, he remarked that the Hungarian government would do well not to reduce bilateral relations to mere party politics. In one of his speeches, he said:
"It is time to do more than just roll our eyes at the government—we need to respond firmly."

Biden's failed ambassador portrayed himself as a victim

In his statements, David Pressman frequently portrayed himself as a victim. He repeatedly took issue with being labeled as pro-war and disliked how much the press focused on him. He even complained about being filmed at public events, such as LGBTQ+ pride parades. He once claimed that he was being followed—though it is hardly surprising that the media would report on the public appearances of the US ambassador.

Whenever he was under fire, he insisted it was due to his homosexuality. He repeatedly emphasized his commitment to LGBTQ+ issues, participating in multiple pride parades and public events. It is also widely known that he funded several LGBTQ influencers and hosted them personally at his residence. He took news reports about him personally, once remarking that he found it unusual to be in such an environment as the one in Hungary. On multiple occasions, he compared his alleged persecution to the Me Too scandals, claiming, without evidence, that the government was behind it.

If you speak out, you are very likely to become a target,

he stated in one interview.

At one point, he had to change his narrative, shifting to the claim that his mission in Hungary had simply become exhausting.

When not playing the role of victim, he called himself one of Hungary's most famous persons.

David Pressman saw the Hungarian government, and specifically Cabinet Minister Antal Rogan, behind every critical news report about him, though he never provided any evidence for these claims. Notably, in a now-deleted embassy Facebook post regarding the US sanctions on Rogan, he issued a threatening message to those who had business ties with the minister:

We encourage those who are in business with Minister Rogan to review their activities carefully.

Besides attacking the government and Antal Rogan, Pressman also signaled his interest in the rise of Peter Magyar and expressed his desire to meet the leader of the Tisza Party.

We are watching his rise and how Hungarians respond to him and what they say about him. I look forward to hearing more about his future plans,

the disgraced ambassador told RTL News.

It is worth recalling that David Pressman fled Hungary cowardly in the dead of night in early January, after Donald Trump won the US presidential election.

Cover photo: David Pressman, failed US ambassador to Budapest (Photo: AFP)

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