Mate Kocsis: David Pressman and Husband Depart Today, but Their Legacy Remains

Those belonging to the leftist-liberal circles left behind by Pressman may still make their voices heard in 2026.

2025. 01. 13. 10:41
David Pressman, the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary (Photo: AFP)
David Pressman, the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

He may be leaving, but everything he created will stay, wrote Mate Kocsis about David Pressman, the outgoing U.S. ambassador who stepped down after Donald Trump's election victory. Fidesz's parliamentary group leader also summarized Mr. Pressman's tenure in a social media post.

The politician emphasized that David Pressman had repeatedly overstepped his authority, attempting to pressure Hungary's sovereigntist government. Mr. Kocsis recalled that the ambassador once seated Marton Gyongyosi, known for compiling "Jewish lists," at the same table as Ervin Nagy. He also pointed out that Mr. Pressman regularly hosted embassy parties for influencers and celebrity commentators, with only a portion of these events being made public.

– Remember the era of "micro-donations," the illicit foreign funds from 2022 that financed the campaign of our "glorious opposition," and recall the blatantly biased articles of the "dollar media," which reeked of foreign influence from afar," Mr. Kocsis wrote. He added that the departing U.S. ambassador "organised parties and supported political parties" with the aim of overthrowing Hungary's sovereigntist government.

His legacy will stay 

The parliamentary group leader underlined that 

 – Mr. Pressman had presided over protests, always taking issues and people under his wings that fit neatly into the liberal worldview.

Although Mr. Pressman is leaving, the politicians conditioned to align with foreign funding, the corporate influences tied to the American left, the representatives and parties dutifully executing the commands of Brussels' liberal elite - now reorganized under the Tisza name - will remain, Mr. Kocsis stated. Also staying are the influencers with millions of views, as well as media outlets like Telex, 444, RTL, HVG, and 24. And, of course, the "micro-donations" will remain as well, he listed.

– The reality is that in the 2026 general elections, we will be facing Brussels' enforcers here at home and the operatives of the Pressman world, 

– Mr. Kocsis concluded.

Cover Image: David Pressman, the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary (Photo: AFP)

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