The Final Days of Democratic Vigilantism

The latest manifestation of desperate revenge is the placement of the prime minister's Cabinet Office minister on a sanctions list.

2025. 01. 12. 17:01
David Pressman, Outgoing US Ambassador to Budapest (Photo: MTI /Zsolt Szigetvary)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

After their historic defeat in November, departing Democrats have not only launched a campaign of retribution in the United States or their “outpost,” Ukraine, but they are also venting their desperate anger at Hungary’s right-wing government, which is strongly allied with the newly elected US president.

The Democrat-globalist leadership isn’t satisfied with the outgoing, and now merely caretaker President Joe Biden abusing his remaining formal powers to pardon his own son in a major international corruption case. They’ve gone further by attempting to smear a minister of another sovereign nation with accusations of corruption. “Always accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing.” Sound familiar?

The latest expression of their desperate revenge is placing the minister who leads the Hungarian PM's Cabinet Office on a sanctions list. This, following the revelation that the failed Democratic regime attempted to influence the elections in a sovereign country.

The defeated American globalists took this extremely unfriendly step at the conclusion of a process that has so far only brought forth baseless accusations. No concrete evidence has been presented. It’s reminiscent of Brussels's rule-of-law procedure. Unsurprisingly, globalists operate the same way everywhere.

Outgoing US Ambassador David Pressman, of course, stood fully behind the politically motivated procedure against the Hungarian minister, calling it a “very serious matter” during a press conference. However, Pressman failed to explain why, if he was aware of these alleged “serious matters,” he did not file a complaint over the past four years. He certainly had plenty of time and opportunity to do so.

True, it’s far easier to brand someone without justification.

Transparency International’s president, Miklos Ligeti, who certainly cannot be accused of bias toward the Orban government, even pointed out in a statement that the "procedure" against Minister Antal Rogan is a political decision. He remarked: "This is not a judicial proceeding; there are no predictable guarantees like in a criminal procedure, where the process is clear from the filing of charges to court proceedings [...] The US authorities are not obligated to adhere to a level of proof required in a criminal investigation."

In other words, there are no predictable guarantees, no predetermined procedural framework, and no requirement to adequately justify the reason for inclusion on the sanctions list. Clearly, we cannot expect the self-proclaimed guardians of democracy and the rule of law to maintain even the pretense of democratic principles. In Hungary, such actions are refered to as vigilantism or mob justice, both of which are punishable by law.

It also comes as no surprise that, despite these glaring issues, the leftist media has spent the past two days portraying the decision as if the Hungarian minister had been convicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Let’s circle back to the starting point. Isn’t it strange that this hostile step comes immediately after the Democrats’ defeat and just before the inauguration of the Orban-friendly American president? It’s also striking how the globalist-aligned media quickly produced videos, interviews, and articles by the droves to amplify the story. Could all those videos and articles really have been prepared in a single day?

It’s hard to believe.

But here's the good news: January 20 is fast approaching.

Only 11 days to go.

The author is a senior analyst at Szazadveg.


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