Pressman's Disgraced Career: From Judicial Scandal to Petty Revenge Against Minister

David Pressman, US ambassador to Hungary, began his tenure in 2022. During his mission, he frequently interfered in Hungarian politics and openly supported the left's power ambitions. As his last move, he took petty revenge.

2025. 01. 09. 12:35
US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman (Photo: AFP)
US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

David Pressman started his mission as US ambassador to Hungary in September 2022. Throughout his tenure, he repeatedly crossed the boundaries of diplomacy, routinely criticizing the Hungarian government. His final act was one of petty revenge.

As reported by Magyar Nemzet, the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced that Antal Rogan, the head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Cabinet Office, had been added to its sanctions list.

The ambassador's activities were driven from the start by hostility toward Hungarians, personal political bias, and, in recent times, a simple desire for revenge stemming from his series of failures,

said Tamas Lanczi, president of Hungary's Sovereignty Protection Office, on social media.

Interference in domestic politics from the outset

Pressman’s very first actions stirred major scandals. He even sparked outrage among judicial circles by hosting two Hungarian judges at the US embassy, which many viewed as a violation of the independence of Hungary's judiciary. Pressman summoned Tamas Matusik and Csaba Vasvari, then members of the National Judicial Council (OBT), to his office. The ambassador even posted about the meeting on social media platform X.

Photo: Janka Szitas

Pressman routinely criticized the Hungarian government's foreign policy, particularly its ties with Russia. When Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto visited Russia, the ambassador harshly criticized the decision, further straining diplomatic relations between the two countries. Moreover, the ambassador objected to Prime Minister Viktor Orban expressing support for former US President Donald Trump on social media, with whom Orban maintains a close personal relationship.

George Soros's ally also disapproved of Hungary's policy of economic neutrality. In October last year, he summoned NATO-member ambassadors stationed in Hungary to discuss Hungary’s economic "neutrality" policy, according to a statement from the US embassy in Budapest. The statement noted that ambassadors and defense attaches from NATO  states accredited to Hungary had gathered at the US embassy in Budapest to discuss the security implications of the Hungarian government's recently announced economic "neutrality" policy.

Deliberate Provocations

During his time in Hungary, the ambassador made it a point to participate in LGBTQ+ advocacy events and parades. This past summer, he joined the 29th Budapest Pride march and picnic in City Park (Varosliget), recently refurbished by the government. A year and a half ago, Pressman hosted a family pride picnic at his residence on Zugligeti Street, inviting around a thousand guests, including several leftist politicians, as a closing event for Pride Month.

David Pressman at the Pride (Photo: AFP)

Two years ago, the ambassador hosted Marton Gyongyosi, the former leader of the Jobbik party notorious for his anti-Semitic remarks, at a Passover dinner. Gyongyosi was the only politician invited to the American ambassador’s Passover celebration, seated at the head of the table alongside Pressman. He dined with Andras Heisler, head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (Mazsihisz), and actor Ervin Nagy. After the event, several members of parliament expressed their concerns about his participation.

 Jobbik party's former leader notorious for his anti-Semitic remarks at Pressman's Passover dinner (Source: Facebook)

Additionally, the American ambassador frequently held meetings with leftist opinion leaders, content creators, and musicians at the US embassy in Budapest. In recent years, several individuals were invited to his evening events, though the purpose of these dinners was never fully disclosed. Furthermore, in 2023, Pressman provided over five million Hungarian forints in support of the government-critical Jolvanezigy, a program dealing with social issues. 

Cover photo: US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman (Photo: AFP)

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