Viktor Orban Warned, But No One Listened

Hungary has earned worldwide respect for its consistent stance, and the country will seize its opportunities.

2025. 02. 20. 10:39
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

European leaders are now in a headlong rush for plans after not listening to Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister's political director pointed out in a video posted on social media. 

Balazs Orban noted that "the leaders of Europe started scrambling in a panic even though everything goes according to the script. Just not according to their script, but that of Viktor Orban," he added. "Last July, after the peace mission's first phase, Hungary's prime minister sent a report to every European head of state, saying that if elected US president, Donald  Trump would immediately initiate peace talks between the US and Russia. And that is what happened. And he also warned that if the Europeans didn't come up with a peace strategy, the Russians and the Americans will then agree over their heads," Balazs Orban said.

And it is exactly what is happening. But leaders in Brussels were flabbergasted and convened for an emergency meeting in Paris,

PM Orban's policy chief said in the video.

Hungary will seize its opportunities

Balazs Orban also recalled how Brussels attacked Hungary for its consistent, pro-peace stance: "Last summer we received harsh criticism and were labeled 'Putin's lackeys', among other things; and we were right all along: Scholz is failing, the Munich Security Conference ends in tears, Rutte is spinning like a weather vane, and Brussels is surrendering," the politician listed.

Hungary is the only European country that has consistently taken a pro-peace stance, and this has earned great respect around the world and is creating many opportunities for Hungary. And we, Hungarians, will seize these opportunities,

the political director added.

Cover photo: Viktor Orban and Donald Trump (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Fischer)

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