PM Orban: Only Two Countries in Europe Want Peace – The Vatican and Hungary

"Europeans want to continue the war, but with the United States joining us, we are now the majority and stronger," Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview for the Tenyek program on TV2. He emphasized that, until now in the Western world, war supporters have been in the majority, and in Brussels, they still are. The prime minister highlighted that peace is a necessity for Hungary not only from a Christian perspective but also from an economic standpoint—without peace, Hungary will not be successful.

2025. 03. 02. 14:12
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Source:
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In the interview, Viktor Orban also discussed the Trump-Zelensky dispute, the issue of war and peace, and how 2025 will be a breakthrough year with the launch of Europe’s largest tax reduction program.

These two things are strongly connected—how we will live this year and in the coming years, and how world politics and the fate of the war will unfold. We are not just spectators in this; we are directly affected. What happened yesterday was bad news,

 Mr Orban commented on the meeting between Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky.

This is about the future—Hungary’s and Europe’s future, as well as European and Hungarian peace. I see the world being surprised that the American president is only doing what he promised. The world is shocked because he is taking steps that no one expected, even though he announced them in advance. This includes his approach to peace—he said he would do everything in his power to achieve it,

 Orban said, adding that Trump is taking action, while Ukraine’s president either does not want peace or does not accept the peace proposal offered by the U.S., even though Ukraine is completely exhausted.

Ukraine Is on Life Support

“There are countless orphans and widows, an enormous amount of destruction, and millions have fled. Ukraine is essentially on life support,” the prime minister said, also noting

Europeans want to continue the war. There are only two countries in Europe that want peace—the Vatican and Hungary. Now, with the U.S. joining us, we are in the majority and stronger. But so far, war supporters have been the majority in the Western world, and in Brussels, they still are.

He also stressed that peace is essential for Hungary—not only from a Christian perspective but also from an economic one. If there is no peace, Hungary will not be successful in 2025 and 2026.

If there is peace—and I see that it is very close—or even if the war does not end immediately, we can at least ensure that the risk of it spreading to Europe is reduced to nearly zero. In that case, we will finally have a free hand and can work and live in Hungary with optimism, without the shadow of war weighing down on us,

PM Orban emphasized. 

The government’s fundamental plan is to support families. Inflation and the last three difficult war years have hit families—especially those raising children—the hardest. Now that economic growth is returning, we have put together a 21-point economic program, which will generate the revenue needed to double tax benefits to those with children. This is no small feat. Families with two children will receive tax benefits of around 80,000 forints (about 200 euros), while those with three children will receive around 200,000 forints (about 500 euros). This is already written into law, so it will certainly happen,

the prime minister said.

Beyond that, starting this year, mothers with three children will receive lifelong income tax exemption. Beginning next year, mothers under 40 with two children will receive the same benefit. In 2027, this will be extended to mothers under 50, and later to those under 60. Eventually, within four years, all Hungarian mothers who have at least two children will be exempt from paying personal income tax,

he said, calling it a unique world-class achievement.

With this program, a Hungarian mother may never have to pay personal income tax in her life. 

He also noted that mothers under 30 who have at least one child are already exempt from paying income tax.

This means that girls and young women who will one day become mothers will be able to live their entire lives in Hungary without ever paying a single forint in personal income tax. And that is how it should be. They are taking on an immense responsibility—having children, raising them, shaping them into good people, and worrying about them throughout their lives. It is a significant burden, even if it is also a joyful one,

Viktor Orban said, adding that the greatest contribution a woman can make to the country and society is embracing the family-oriented way of life. 

According to the prime minister, the war in Ukraine is receding. 

“The frontline is still horrific. But the war coming closer to Hungary is out of the question, so we can confidently enter the economy with a peace-focused mindset,"

 he highlighted.  

Government Measures to Protect Families: Tax Benefits and Wage Increases

Prices don't rise. The key is understanding who is raising them and why, and where the money is going. If you look at real life, you’ll see that agricultural producers get, say 200 forints for a product, but by the time it reaches the store, it costs you 600. It is clear that some economic players are exploiting the situation in an unacceptable way, harming families and pensioners,

he said, then added:

To protect families, we are using tax benefits and wage increases. But for pensioners, we need a different approach. That’s why we introduced a VAT refund system, allowing us to return 5% of VAT on food items to pensioners,

he explained.

The prime minister emphasized that price increases must be stopped and kept under control, which requires negotiations with retailers.

“If retailers keep raising prices like this, it will destroy families. In that case, the government must intervene by setting price controls,” PM Orban stated.

Budapest, 2025. március 1.
A Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda által közreadott képen Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök a TV2 Tények című műsorában értékeli Donald Trump amerikai és Volodimir Zelenszkij ukrán elnök előző napi találkozóját 2025. március 1-jén. Balról Gönczi Gábor műsorvezető.
MTI/Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban giving an interview for Tenyek program on TV2. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/ Vivien Cher Benko)

The prime minister also spoke about the U.S. media funding scandal, saying that in his 40 years in politics, he had never seen anything like it.

The U.S. government is transferring billions of dollars into foundations and various funding schemes under false pretenses, then spreading this money worldwide to support individuals who push the American agenda. This means people are being bought, paid to express certain opinions. Celebrities received money just to go to Ukraine—not out of genuine sympathy, but because they were paid in euros or dollars,

Viktor Orban remarked, adding:

Journalists were not writing their own opinions but were paid to promote specific narratives, and NGOs were financially incentivized to support certain causes. This is interference in the affairs of a country and is unacceptable.

He then emphasized:

The Hungarian people will decide what they believe and support, and who they trust. No one should manipulate public opinion with money, treating a nation like a puppet on a string. A sovereign country worth its salt cannot accept such interference in its freedom and sovereignty.


Hungary Will Never Legalize Illicit Drug Use

This is a complex problem. There’s a dangerous trend in Western Europe and parts of the U.S. to legalize drug use and, consequently, drug trafficking. We must clearly state that Hungary will never legalize illicit drug use, distribution, or promotion. We must make this totally clear. We are also working to enshrine this in our Constitution. We do not want our country to be part of the Western craze that is making drugs a natural part of our lives,

 the PM declared.

Drug dealers are people who profit from destroying our children’s lives, and ultimately killing them. Hungary already has strict laws against illicit drug dealing, but these will be made radically tougher and more resources will go to uncovering these networks.

On the war launched on drug dealers, the prime minister said:

We have to go to the smallest villages and dismantle these operations. That’s why I can only describe it as a ‘manhunt’—we will track down and eliminate drug trafficking, and offenders will face harsher punishments.

Cover photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Source: 




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