George Soros has his own party in Romania: Save the Romania Union (USR-Plus)
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George Soros has his own party in Romania: Save the Romania Union (USR-Plus)
- political scientist Bogdan Duca told our paper. He believes this party’s progressive ideology is in line with Soros’ worldview. The Romanian political analyst went on to describe the American billionaire’s influence in Romania: Soros’ agents are recognizable in other political parties such as the governing National Liberty Party (PNL) which became even more progressive in 2014. He added that civic movements post 2012—mainly led by Soros-controlled or related NGOs-- provided a tier of leaders for the Romania’s conservative parties.
We also asked Duca if George Soros’ influence can be felt in the weeks leading up to the imminent December 6 parliamentary elections. “It’s hard to
give a clear answer. After the 2019 EP race, the local and presidential debates were no longer characterized by the progressive-versus-sovereignty
standpoints. The arrest of Social Democratic Party (PSD) Chairman, Liviu Dragnea, along with the domestication and subduing of his party put an end
to all serious forms of sovereignty efforts.
Because Soros has nothing to lose. He won the ideological battle.
All three major parties—USR-Plus, PNL and PSD—are playing the progressive card, said Bogdan Duca, outlining the political landscape.
However, at the same time, the political scientist from Constanța believes that Soros has no chance of winning a popularity contest among the Romanian
public. “But there is one interesting thing: Sorism exploits the disdain for the billionaire. Politicians criticizing Soros’ influence, like Liviu Dragnea, were
portrayed as senseless conspiracy theorists who imagine that rich overlords rule the world.
If you consider yourself an intellectual, then it’s simply “not cool” to criticize Soros or scrutinize his influence.
The minute you do so, you’re immediately labeled some sort of conspiracy theorist” said the political analyst. Bogdan Duca noted that most Romanians do not know much about what measures other governments are taking to prevent the American billionaire and his NGOs’ poisonous interferences.
As we recently reported, in the past few weeks, Dănuţ Pop, President of the Romanian Ecological Party—which has been supplemented with well-known
politicians departing PSD—demanded a ban on George Soros from Romania. The head of the non-parliamentary party also urged screenings for
organizations that received financial support from the American billionaire. From time to time, Soros is the subject of Bucharest’s politics. Two years
ago, Darius Vâlcov, advisor to the then Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă stated: former Prime Minister Dacian Cioloș –who before PSD’s 2016 parliamentary win, led Romania for a year heading the professional government—is a Soros agent. The Prime Minister’s advisor said,
Soros sees Romania as a company where he can pursue his business interests
just like he did in the case of Facebook when accusing the social media platform of manipulating the value of shares.
In 2017, Liviu Dragnea, the president of leading PSD at the time, envisaged a screening system for NGOs. The politician criticized George Soros and the
organizations he funds.
“This man, who has been creating various organizations in Romania since the 90s has only financed the worst; the
missions he funded never benefited Romania.”
proclaimed Dranea. In an interview three years ago, Victor Ponta, former Prime Minister of Romania, answered the question whether Soros was involved somehow in his downfall: “There are signs.”
Trump thinks similarly to Hungarians on many issues.
Peter Magyar's Tisza Party posted a photo on its social media page showing Manfred Weber giving instructions to the party's MEPs.
"They're attacking us because we are sovereignists, even patriots."
The main topic of the meeting will be Hungary's and Slovakia's energy security following the halt of Ukrainian gas transit.
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Trump thinks similarly to Hungarians on many issues.
Peter Magyar's Tisza Party posted a photo on its social media page showing Manfred Weber giving instructions to the party's MEPs.
"They're attacking us because we are sovereignists, even patriots."
The main topic of the meeting will be Hungary's and Slovakia's energy security following the halt of Ukrainian gas transit.
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