I have been visiting wonderful Hungary since 1978. In Eger the Szépasszony valley, the Lake Balaton and many more places in the that I got to know; I grew to love the countryside and the people. At home, near Leipzig, I make a Germanized bogrács (a heavy pot used to cook over an open fire) gulyás in my garden based on my Hungarian friend’s recipe. Je suis Hungary. In the 1980s I subscribed to the Budapester Rundschau (a German-language newspaper in Hungary from 1974-1989) which informed me every two weeks how Hungary was gaining its freedom. For me, Imre Pozsgay and Miklós Németh (Hungarian politicians active during the socialist-democratic transition; Minister of Culture and Education, and Prime Minister respectively) represented the hope of liberation from under the Soviet colonial system. In 2014, I had the opportunity to personally thank Miklós Németh when handing over the Point Alpha award. I also know that Viktor Orbán was one of the brave Hungarians at that time.
PM Orban: Brussels' Decision Is Bad for Both Hungary and Slovakia
Farmers will be ruined if Brussels bureaucrats allow Ukrainian agricultural products to enter the European Union market without restrictions, Hungary's PM posted on social media after the talks in Bratislava.