Germany in colonized status

This year alone, it will cost taxpayers €43 billion to support the millions of migrants.

2023. 08. 06. 16:21
Refugee accommodation in Bensheim
Refugee accommodation in Bensheim PRODUCTION - 10 February 2023, Hesse, Bensheim: Refugee children walk through a tent of the refugee shelter. Cities and communities can hardly accommodate the number of refugees. The Bergstrasse district is not alone in calling for more support from the federal and state governments. Photo: Arne Dedert/dpa (Photo by ARNE DEDERT / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP) Fotó: Europress/AFP/Arne Dedert
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Germany had many intelligent and clever politicians after World War II. They rebuilt the country destroyed in the lost war. The economic flourishing of the country which had hit rock bottom was tantamount to a miracle, since it was also still paying the installments on the total of 38 billion Reichsmarks (Imperial Marks) in reparations for the previously lost World War I until 1988.

The German chancellors were all remarkable politicians who loved their country and worked for the prosperity of their people, regardless of their party colors. But Angela Merkel, the agitprop secretary, born the daughter of a pastor and then becoming a physicist educated in Leipzig and the Soviet Union, already stuck out. The file kept on her by the GDR'S secret service, the Stasi, has never been found, although it must have been extensive. Merkel, who, along with many other leading German politicians, participated in the Young Global Leaders (YGL) program of the totalitarian world government called the World Economic Forum (WEF), with her many strange and surprising actions raised strong doubts as to whether she was being true to her oath and serving the interests of the German people or was rather implementing a different program.

This was the case, for example, in 2011, when under the pretext of the tsunami-induced Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, she hastily decided to withdraw from environmentally friendly and safe nuclear energy. And the issue of opening or rather not closing the borders in 2015, when one and a half million migrants of foreign religions were admitted or practically lured into the country.


Accommodating this crowd not only places a huge burden on the state and municipalities, but also led to significantly increased crime rates and obliterated public safety. This policy was continued in the same way by the post-Merkel left-wing government, which is full of uneducated and economically inexperienced career politicians, several of whom also completed the WEF's YGL program. I wonder why? Who moves the strings in the background, whose interests do the German politicians in power serve? Who benefits from the fact that despite all valid and effective German laws, the borders are still open? Those who come in are not sent home, in fact, a thousand people are brought in by plane from Afghanistan every month. German Interior Minister Nancy Faser (SPD) confirmed the other day that they will continue this program.

The Green Party Foreign Minister Baerbock recently stated that she is not concerned about German embassies stamping visas in even fake (!) passports.


The care of migrants who have entered the country illegally consumes a significant part of the German public finances. This year, the federal government will spend 27 billion of its 2023 budget of 476 billion euros, and the states and municipalities will spend another 16 billion euros on migrants. Yet, for example, half of the migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015 are still not working, but are instead enjoying the comforts of the German social welfare system. While it is true that the German economy needs additional labor as a result of demographic changes, but the majority of illegal migrants will neither increase the gross national product nor finance the pensions of Germans. They only impose a heavy burden on the economy, society (stabbings, riots, violent crimes, clan crime and so on) and do not alleviate the very real shortage of professionals.


The government wants to change the latter by in principle making it easier to recognize foreign certificates and qualifications starting this autumn.

Robert Habeck, whose career advanced from storybook writer to economy minister, has with his naive statements in multiple interviews made testiment to the fact that he is clueless about real economic life. According to him, the small factories and bakeries that were forced to close due to high energy prices did not go bankrupt, but simply halted production.

Where such a person can become a minister, the people cannot expect much good to come from it. These are also the people who concocted the Greens' greatly controversial draft law on heating, with which they want to impose huge burdens on the entire population. Its parliamentary adoption, scheduled for July 7, was stricken by the Constitutional Court citing the petition of a CDU politician, because there was not enough time for the law to be read, so it can only be submitted to a vote after the summer break. But there is little chance that the governing parties will come to their senses by then. According to the law, which lists provisions that have already been relaxed in response to social outrage, after 2024 only heating systems that use 65 percent renewable energy sources can be installed in newly built houses. Yes, but heat pump heating systems are on the one hand not efficient enough, and on the other hand, they are very expensive. Due to their low efficiency, an additional gas furnace is often required, which is of course more of a bad joke if they are also using environmental protection as a pretense.

The EU's ambitious Green Deal program also stipulates the mandatory renovation of the heating of existing buildings, so that they reach energy standard grade E by 2030, and then D by 2033. Furthermore, to double the number of heating and cooling upgrades in apartments, offices, and public buildings by 2030, of course with the sneaky, false argument that they want to improve people's living conditions. This goes even further than the current German heating law, which is kicking up a lot of dust.


The real goal is to make people's lives impossible at all levels and in all areas, and to artificially make everything  more expensive. With the soon-to-be-compulsory smart heating meters, they will also be able to turn off the heating where people are not complying with the expectations and orders of their government, or if they do not have sufficient social credit points, which is another system slated for introduction.

Of course, the German government's plans also include requiring the 'modernization' of the heating systems in existing houses, but this has been removed from the current draft law as a result of intense social protest. All of this will lead to the devaluation of German real estate, the indebtedness of property owners, extremely high rents and an even greater housing shortage. This EU plan called Renovation Wave was developed by the NGO European Climate Foundation, which is also the financier of the Agora Energiewende, and which receives funding from American billionaire Hal Harvey and from BlackRock. But the Rockwell company, which is one of the largest global manufacturers of insulating materials, also indirectly participated in the financing of the plan. What a coincidence, right? This is not about climate protection either, but about the profits of giant companies.

The government's anti-people policy is of course grist for the opposition. Yes, but the only real opposition today is the right-wing AfD, since the CDU/CSU party alliance can hardly be considered as such, as they voted in favor for two-thirds of the laws proposed by the left-wing government in this cycle. The people, on the other hand, feel that this government does not represent their interests, people no longer trust it, and because of the lack of other options, they turn to Alternative fur Deutschland. As a result of the general dissatisfaction, the AfD has now become the second strongest party (21 percent) at the federal level after the CDU/CSU (27 percent), ahead of all the governing parties and the far-left successor party Die Linke. The FDP and the Linke may even find themselves outside of the parliament, which would of course make it very difficult for the CDU/CSU to form a government as the CDU president Friedrich Merz, in a parliamentary speech the other day, vehemently distanced himself from any kind of cooperation with the AfD. What's more, he threatened to exclude those who, especially in the former East German states where the right-wing party enjoys the highest support (32%), are not shying away from considering cooperation with the AfD, based on real politik.

What kind of interpretation of democracy is this?

Many things can be said about the AfD, both good and bad, but one thing is certain: today they are the politicians who recognize the fears of the population the most and represent their interests against the US-financed NGOs dictating the actions of the Scholz government and the allegedly opposition CDU/CSU.


The author is a journalist (Munich)

Cover image: Illustration (Photo: Europress/AFP/Arne Dedert)

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