Következő mérkőzések
15:002024. június 22.
Cseh Köztársaság
18:002024. június 22.

Fidesz MEP: Hungary Will Raise Its Voice in the EP that's Silent On Poland + Video

The upcoming plenary session in Strasbourg is poised to be another debate centered on Hungary, laden with what Fidesz MEP Tamas Deutsch deems lies and slander, as revealed during his appearance on HIR TV's Bayer Show. During the program neither host Zsolt Bayer, nor the politician have shied away from commenting on the recent scandalous events unfolding in Poland.

2024. 01. 15. 11:24
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

During the upcoming plenary session in Strasbourg, the Hungarian dollar left will likely regurgitate the long-standing falsehoods propagated by former PM Gyurcsany, a narrative that has been reiterated for years, so we expect the dissemination of slander and political blackmail that's so typical of the Brussels bureaucracy, Mr Deutsch emphasized.

One debate will focus on the state of European science, while the second, based on a proposal, delve into the alleged banning of the Soros University in Hungary, which hasn't been banned. In fact, CEU is still in the city center. Corruption will also feature on the agenda, but of course, it will not the Eva Kaili's scandal. Instead, it will focus on Hungary.

Tamas Deutsch underscored that 

Katarina Barley, a German Social Democrat and Vice-President of the European Parliament, has gone so far as to suggest starving Hungarians and Poles to death. In her report, Ms Barley asserts that regardless of any agreements Hungary has made with the European Commission, the country should no longer receive any EU funds, and the Article 7 procedure should be imposed on Hungary.

Mr Deutsch argued that Brussels disapproves of Hungary's pro-peace stance, and he emphasized that two Hungarian MEPs from the opposition, Anna Donath and Katalin Cseh, have also joined in criticizing Hungary. He went on to reveal the latest blood-curdling amendment proposed by these two Momentum MEPs.

To sum up, the Fidesz MEP strongly asserted that

Brussels requires a change. There is no doubt that the mad Brussels bureaucracy must be ousted from power in Brussels!

Mr Deutsch also underlined the necessity for change among Hungarian MEPs. Over the last five years eight MEPs of the Hungarian dollar left have received mandates, yet they have not represented Hungarian interests for even a single day, not for a fleeting moment, he said.

The MEP and the host delved into discussions about

the actions of Poland's new liberal government that are in blatant violation of the rule of law.

Fidesz MEP contended that what we are witnessing is the so-called "restoration" of the rule of law in Warsaw.  

Of course, this involves seizure of public media through both physical and police force, the non-compliance with, or overturning of the laws that govern the operation of public media, the introduction of a new legal regime without amending the existing laws, the dismissal of individuals employed under a previous government to dismantle any associated entities. So, as we can see, the rule of law is flourishing in Warsaw, 

– the politician explained. 

You can watch the entire program by clicking here:


Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch (Source: Hír TV)

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