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Hungary FM Welcomes Outcome of V4 Summit

The prime ministers of the four Visegrad Group countries agreed on continuing their cooperation.

2024. 02. 28. 13:25
Facebook: Szijjártó Péter
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

It's good news for Hungary that the leaders of the four Visegrad Group countries agreed on continuing the bloc’s cooperation, which is also in Hungary's national interest, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in Prague on Tuesday, according to a ministry statement.

The Visegrad Group has reached outstanding achievements in ensuring that Central Europe remained "strong, sovereign and competitive", Hungary's foreign minister noted after the meeting of the leaders of Czechia, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

And precisely because of these achievements, many held an interest in the discontinuation of the Visegrad cooperation. Today, many were probably expecting, many have bet that cooperation between the Visegrad countries would come to an end,

he opined.

Those with an opposite interest could be disappointed, as the V4 prime ministers have stood up for continued cooperation. This is fully in Hungary's national interest, as it means that we can continue to work together in the future on issues that strengthen Hungary, our sovereignty and our economic competitiveness,

he underlined.

Peter Szijjarto stressed that this is how the four states can work together to ensure that "hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants do not come and go" on their territory. 

The four of us will be able to cooperate in preserving our sovereignty and in designing our own energy mix, as well as in preserving our competitiveness by setting our own tax rates,

he pointed out.

And V4 countries will be able to decide on their own how to protect their farmers against the glut of poor quality grain from outside Europe,

he added.

What happened in Prague today falls in line with Hungarian national interests, which is good news for Hungary,

the minister concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto at the V4 summit (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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