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PM Orban: We Can and We Will Win the EP Elections

Prime Minister Viktor Orban primarily focused on the upcoming elections in his address at the joint meeting of the parliamentary groups of the Fidesz and the Christian Democrats held before the spring session of the Hungarian parliament, Magyar Nemzet reports.

2024. 02. 22. 12:30
Orbán Viktor
Forrás: Facebook
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As before, PM Orban again emphasized that a change is needed in Brussels. The migration pact has come into effect in Europe, and Hungary will be punished for not taking in migrants. The war is not over, and Europe is under growing pressure as US financial aid to Ukraine is likely to decrease due to the disputes emerging with the US presidential elections coming up. Support for Ukraine comes at a huge political cost. Farmers are protesting across Europe, and slowly, no one believes in a Ukrainian victory, the prime minister outlined the state of affairs.

The Left in Hungary is not doing what it should be doing: it is not Hungary they represent in Brussels, but they are in Brussels' service in Hungary, PM Orban said, summing up the situation.

At the meeting of Fidesz and Christian Democratic MPs, he also spoke about the clemency case, which led to the resignation of two important people for their political community. He once again thanked Katalin Novak and Judit Varga for their work at the gathering of lawmakers. "Their resignation was the right decision and strengthens us," the prime minister said.

It's clear to all that the national side knows no pardon when it comes to child protection issues.

In his view, the decision to pardon was not forced by some problem, but was simply a mistake. "I already explained why this mistake was made in my state of the nation address:  you can never be smart enough on your own, not even in the highest office," Viktor Orban reiterated.

PM Orban concluded his speech with an assessment of the upcoming elections and the tasks ahead. Summarizing accomplished tasks, he highlighted that the government has reached an agreement on EU funds, school and and kindergarten teachers' salaries have been increased, wage agreements have been concluded, the increased 13th month pensions have been paid, family allowances have been increased and inflation has been driven down. The utility price caps and the freeze on interest rates for families and small businesses have remained in place. 

As a concluding remark, he said that 

they can and will win the European Parliament elections.

ORBÁN Viktor
Photo: PM's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer

In his assessment, the international environment could could see a major change this year, but they will be navigating through headwinds until June, but that this is not bad, but good, as they can capture the international headwinds in their sails, as experienced sailors say. He spoke optimistically about the possibility of change not only in Brussels but also in Washington this year. The EP elections and the US presidential elections can finally bring peace in Europe. "In nine months' time, we will be stronger than we are now," he said, "so it is worth working, because every seat won in the European Parliament will add to our joint strength that will help us in the 2026 parliamentary elections [in Hungary]," PM Orban concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Mate Kocsis, Fidesz parliamentary group leader at the joint meeting of Fidesz and Christian Democratic lawmakers (Source: Facebook)

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