Russia Views Its Security As A Top Priority

For now, the West has no intention of abandoning its anti-Russia policies, Yevgeny Arnoldovich Stanislavov, the Russian Federation's Ambassador to Budapest, told Magyar Nemzet in a recent interview. According to the ambassador, this past year behind us was very unpredictable and difficult, which is not about the conflict in Ukraine at all, as that country is being exploited by the West, as a tool in the fight against Russia.

2024. 02. 16. 18:00
20240110 Budapest Jevgenyij Sztanyiszlavov budapesti orosz nagykövet Fotó: Mirkó István MI Magyar Nemzet Fotó: Mirkó István
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

2023 was a turbulent year. Do you think that the current pro-war atmosphere is a power struggle between the United States and Russia or a larger ideological struggle between the West and the East?

– Indeed, this past year behind us was very unpredictable and difficult. And this is not about the conflict in Ukraine at all, as that country is being exploited by the West, as a tool in the fight against Russia. From the outset, the West has destined Ukraine to an unenviable fate, to be an instrument of anti-Russian policy, a source of increasing military threats against Russia and – unfortunately - an effective state mechanism for suppressing everything that is Russian in Ukraine, be it the language, the culture, the traditions or even religion. All this did not start yesterday, it is historical. For now, the West has no intention of abandoning its anti-Russia policies, making it premature to discuss any constructive agenda. The confrontation is escalating, and the serious signs of any desire to reset relations with Russia are lacking. Nevertheless, sooner or later, the Western countries will have to embark on an equal peer-to-peer discourse regarding our common future, and the sooner this happens, the better. Eventually, they must acknowledge Russia's legitimate interests and abandon their policy of threats and intimidation. In a broader sense, humanity is at a crossroads today, as it has been many times before. It is in our shared interest to prevent the outbreak of a serious conflict and the ultimate collapse of international cooperation mechanism established by our predecessors’ generations. Achieving this is still possible by striking a fair and equitable balance between the interests of all parties, but not at a price of unilateral concessions to the West. However, this requires a willingness to compromise in planning our joint future for the common good, rejecting diktats, coercion and the division of the world into "democracies" and "autocracies."

Are you worried that the entire world is arming itself?

– I don't know how applicable the well-known Latin saying is: "If you want peace, prepare for war." It is indeed disconcerting to witness the arms build-up and the influx of weapons into neighboring Ukraine. After all, the Special Military Operation was, in part, forced by security threats originating from there. Russia views its security as a top priority, and it will continue to do so.

The full interview will be published on Saturday. 

Cover photo: Yevgeny Arnoldovich Stanislavov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Budapest (Photo: Istvan Mirko)

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