MEP Tamas Deutsch: Let Europe Be European, Democratic and Free

"Let Europe be a peace project again, a strong project of national and European sovereignty. May it be united in diversity and again cooperation of countries of equal standing and equal rights. Let it be European, democratic and free, said the Fidesz MEP topping the Fidesz-KDNP European Parliament candidate list at the conference organized by the XXI Szazad (21st Century) Institute in Budapest on Thursday.

Forrás: MTI2024. 05. 03. 15:36
Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz MEP and leader of the Hungary's governing party candidate list in the European Parliamentary elections (Source: Facebook/Deutsch Tamás)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At the conference entitled "We show the way for Europe - Hungary, EU member for 20 years", Tamas Deutsch said that after 20 years, the problems in the EU are greater than they seem. In his view, the problems stem from the 15 EU member states not having been sufficiently prepared for enlargement and the reunification of Europe that took place in 2004, and that the thinking of Western European elites is still dominated by the centuries-old pattern that they are better, wealthier and more clever than us in everything across the board.

"The signing of the Maastricht Treaty was an original sin," he noted, "as it enshrined political integration in the basic treaty."

He also considers it a problem that Europe has lost momentum in the global transformation, and that the continent, previously capable of exceptional performance, has since been surpassed by competitors without even realizing it. A progressive, liberal power grab is taking place in Europe, with the establishment of a new totalitarianism, he said, noting that the present conference, for example, would be banned in Brussels.

The policy against Russia, in his view, is an offshoot of the internal sanctions policy experimented on regarding Hungary and Poland, to establish how to deprive countries of EU development funds with a total disregard for legal regulations.

Finally, he pointed out that the EU, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, is today the most vocal agitator for the continuing of the Russia-Ukraine war. "Nevertheless, we are not at the end of our relationship with the EU, we must now turn to it with even more love, care and momentum," the Hungarian MEP remarked.

Cover photo: Tamas Deutsch, Fidesz MEP and leader of the Hungary's governing party candidate list in the European Parliamentary elections (Source: Facebook/Deutsch Tamás)



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