The Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ/UDMR) regrets the decision of the European Parliament's European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group to include the MEPs of the Hungarian-hating Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), Botond Csoma, spokesman of the RMDSZ/UDMR, told Magyar Nemzet.
Anti-Hungarian Romanians in ECR, RMDSZ Welcomes Fidesz Move
EP party group makes bad decision.

The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania also called the decision erroneous because he believes that Georgia Meloni and her party are familiar with the party led by George Simion.
I don't know what criteria they took into account when they made this decision, but it was a bad decision. As representatives of the Hungarian community in Transylvania, we cannot agree with this decision,
RMDSZ/UDMR party chief stated. On Fidesz's decision to refuse to have its MEPs in a group that includes AUR politicians, the spokesman recalled that Fidesz has a strategic partner in the RMDSZ/UDMR.
We welcome this decision, because the AUR is not only an opponent, but also an enemy to indigenous Hungarians in Transylvania, as Simion and his party have proven during the campaign,
Csoma Botond said.
As we reported, the MEPs of Fidesz will not join the ECR group of Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, as the party family has admitted AUR. "The extremist anti-Hungarian Romanian AUR has been accepted into the ECR group. It's out of the question that Fidesz sits in the same group as such a party in the European Parliament! There is no way!" says Fidesz national assembly group leader on social media.
Cover photo: RMDSZ/UDMR at the press conference in the party headquarters in Cluj (Kolozsvar) on June 10, 2024, on the results achieved in the June 9th Romanian local and EP elections (Photo: MTI/Gabor Kiss)
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