Donald Trump Jr: Hungary Is Europe's Last Hope

Businessman Donald Trump Jr, son of former US President Donald J Trump, spoke about the US elections and domestic and world politics in a presentation at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) in Budapest on Thursday.

2024. 06. 14. 14:53
Businessman Donald Trump Jr, son of the former US President, at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) panel discussion (Photo: Miklos Teknos)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Donald Trump Jr. is, among other things, a political public figure, media personality and Executive Vice President of The Trump Organization, which manages the Trump estate.

During the panel discussion "The world through the eyes of Donald Trump Jr", organized by Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), Donald Trump Jr spoke about the obstacles blocking conservative forces in the current political climate.

Common sense is anything but common these days in government, in education, in the world at large and in every institution we come into contact with on a daily basis,

he stated. American conservative circles see the Hungarian prime minister as a great leader who puts Hungary first, he said, noting that conservative interests are palpably being pursued throughout Hungary.

Donald Trump Jr pointed out the broader links between institutional corruption and media bias, highlighting the erosion of public trust in the democratic process in the United States. He attributes the prosecution and conviction of his father to this rampant corruption and bias.

If they did it to him, they'll do it to anyone,

he stressed. Mr Trump Jr also drew attention to the uniqueness of this year's US elections, as two of the candidates currently running for president have already served one term in the role.

Photo: Magyar Nemzet/Miklos Teknos

For years we only hear about what politicians are going to do, and they tell us wonderful stories about what they are going to achieve, and then they usually do nothing. In this case, Americans have experienced four years under Trump and the same number of years under Joe Biden, so they can choose which was better.

Finally, in response to a question on what his father's first move would be if he wins the US elections, he said President Trump would put an immediate end to the Russia-Ukraine war and strongly criticized the exclusion of Russia from the upcoming peace summit in Switzerland.

Cover photo: Businessman Donald Trump Jr, son of the former US President, at the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) panel discussion (Photo: Miklos Teknos)


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