Peace March A Miracle For Me, Prominent Publicist Says

At an event organized by the Mandiner news portal, Zsolt Bayer, publicist, Agoston Samuel Mraz, senior analyst at the Nezopont Institute, and Jozsef Horvath, security policy expert, evaluated the peace march staged in Budapest on Saturday. The discussion also touched on the war psychosis in Western Europe, the issue of conscription and political newcomer Peter Magyar.

2024. 06. 02. 17:27
Drone photo of Budapest's Margaret Bridge showing participants of the peace march organized by the Civil Alliance Forum – Civil Alliance Public Benefit Foundation (COF-COKA) on June 1, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Czegledi)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Commenting on the message of the peace march, Agoston Samuel Mraz said,

the message of the peace march for the Left is that there are great many Fidesz voters.

According to the analyst at Nezopont Institute, the Left's idea that support for the governing parties has declined is difficult to sustain. The analyst noted that the peace march has first of all reassured and mobilized pro-government voters. He highlighted that international polls show that the issue that European citizens are the most concerned about is war. 

One of the important elements in the prime minister's speech was a pro-peace coalition, which has a serious reality throughout Europe,

Agoston Samuel Mraz highlighted, adding that opinion polls project that Europe's new Right will secure more than twenty percent of the votes in the European Parliament elections. On the issue of military service, he said if conscription were to be reinstated in Germany or in Western Europe, masses of young Westerners could decide to come to Hungary and apply for refugee status, he said. 

With regard to the deployment of Western weapons in Russia's original territories, Mraz emphasized that those individuals and groups that support the use of these weapons risk the outbreak of a world war.

Speaking about the peace march, journalist Zsolt Bayer said that he was delighted that so many people attended the rally to express their commitment to peace. 

For me, every peace march is a miracle, since we are together on these occasions,

said the publicist, who has participated in every peace march since 2012. Regarding the introduction of compulsory conscription, Bayer said that Manfred Weber had gone so far as to support the conscription of not only men but also women.

Bayer also drew attention to a public opinion poll showing that the vast majority of people under the age of 40 in Germany would be unwilling to go to war even if their country were attacked. 

Security policy expert Jozsef Horvath explained that the peace march showed that hundreds of thousands of people can take part in a demonstration in Hungary, without major or minor atrocities.

In Western Europe or just take Vienna, it is no longer possible to organize such large-scale demonstrations with adequate security in place,

Jozsef Horvath pointed out, noting that a growing number of people in the western part of the continent consider Hungary a refuge. On the idea of a compulsory Europe-wide conscription, the security expert said that pro-war politicians are capable of turning around 360 degrees from one day to the next and even attacking each other in the back.

Research shows that more than 50 percent of young people in Western Europe and the US are physically or mentally unfit for military service,

added the expert, who believes that this phenomenon is the outcome of the brainwashing that has taken place over the past decades. Regarding the war psychosis in the West, Horvath highlighted that war is about protecting power and various business interests.

Attendees at the round table also discussed Hungarian opposition parties. Regarding the popularity of political newcomer Peter Magyar of the Tisza party,  Agoston Samuel Mraz said,

the party is at its peak, with several studies showing that every fourth vote will go to Peter Magyar's party in the elections coming up on June 9.

Opposition voters are frustrated, impatient and nervous, since their parties have not won a single election since 2006, and one of the consequences of this is that they can see a savior in anyone, said Zsolt Bayer commenting on the rise of Peter Magyar. 

Peter Magyar is a narcissistic psychopath,

Bayer summed up how he sees the leader of the Tisza party.

Cover photo: Drone photo of Budapest's Margaret Bridge showing participants of the peace march organized by the Civil Alliance Forum – Civil Alliance Public Benefit Foundation (COF-COKA) on June 1, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Zsolt Czegledi)

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