Government Reacts to Scandalous Olympics Opening Ceremony

The fictional London and phalanstery in Imre Madach's famed play was seen in real life today in Paris.

2024. 07. 29. 12:43
Scene mocking the Last Supper from Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris, 2024 (Source: X)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Imre Madach's London and its phalanstery have moved to Paris," Balazs Orban commented on last Friday's Olympics opening ceremony that caused outrage among many.

The Hungarian prime minister's policy chief also expressed his displeasure on social media, referencing the 19th century Hungarian writer by posting,

in The Tragedy of Man, one of Hungary's most famous dramas,  in scene 11 audiences in London are entertained with scandalous shows.

In the play,"To Adam, who is aghast by the performance, Lucifer - in his mocking way - even praises the show: 'This flame of bacchic fire, that every cheek Suffuses with a rosy shining glow, As though a fond mask on a tear-stained face, Is this not excellent?' Adam. of course, is not impressed by what he is seeing. 

One scene later, in the phalanstery, Adam is already lamenting the concept of homeland. In the phalantery portrayed in The Tragedy of Man, nations are being dissolved in the name of progress, and in the London of the piece, decadence is flourishing because of the rampant hedonism."

Today, Imre Madach's London and its phalanstery have moved to Paris in real life. The opening of the Paris Olympics was not only a show of horrific decadence, it was also a program for the elimination of nations. Two in one - great!

the policy director commented with irony, adding that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is traditionally the event in which every nation shows the world who they are, what they think, what their values are and what they bring to the whole. "Obviously, it cannot be said that the whole French nation agrees with what we have just seen. But one can say that this is what the French liberal elite thinks about their own nation - above all, that it no longer exists. Naturally, every nation is entitled to think what it wants about itself, its future and its place in the world. It also has the right to share it with a wide audience," the politician stressed.





At the same time, Balazs Orban also stressed that there is only one danger: that what we saw on Friday is not just a one-off phenomenon, but the agenda of the current liberal Western world.

"This is how they want us Hungarians to live, and how they want everyone to live as people of the new ideas. Anyone who doubts this should take a look at the reasons why the European Union and its relevant bodies are exerting monetizable pressure on Hungary, especially because of the Child Protection Act and the anti-migration measures.

Not without reason. From this point of view, it is understandable why many in Hungary are demanding an 18+ age restriction be put on video of the opening ceremony. But even without an advisory legal warning, the vast majority of Hungarians still stand on the ground of common sense. For us, being Hungarian, belonging to the nation is the program,  the program for our common development - not the kitsch we see on TV."

That is why he is repulsed by the Paris phalanstery and this pervasive liberal decadence. Proving that there still exists a nation in this homeland,

 the policy chief concluded the post.



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