Pressman Silent on Trump Assassination Attempt

Instead of issuing a statement, the US embassy recommended President Joe Biden's address to the American nation as reference.

2024. 07. 16. 15:41
A bipartisan delegation from the US Senate arrived in Budapest in February 2024 to review strategic issues facing NATO and Hungary. In the photo, US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman (Photo: Istvan Mirko)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The US ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman, is deeply silent about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

While a number of public figures condemned the attempted assassination against the former US president and expressed their compassion, Pressman did not speak out or issue a statement, preferring instead to remain silent.

On Monday, Magyar Nemzet contacted the American embassy in Budapest to get a comment from the ambassador. We wanted to find out what David Pressman's position is on the horrific assassination attempt and when they intend to release at least a statement.  David Pressman has spoken out on a number of important political issues in Hungary recently, whether it was necessary or not, often risking that his positions would imply interference in Hungarian domestic politics. 

For example, he stood up for the rights of gays and press freedom, which he believes are being violated in Hungary, and he even went on a so-called anti-corruption tour in the countryside and met with influencers organizing demonstrations.


US Ambassador to Hungary David Pressman and Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony at the Pride march (Photo: Robert Hegedus)

But now that there has been an attempted assassination against the former US president and running Republican presidential candidate, the ambassador has refused to speak out. David Pressman's press office responded to our questions by saying: 

On the topic in question, we would like to recommend President Joe Biden's address to the American nation.

So we expected sympathy from the ambassador in vain, because in the speech referred to above, Biden roughly said that political tensions can run high, but they must never turn into violence.

Cover photo: David Pressman receives a bipartisan delegation from the US Senate in Budapest (Photo: Istvan Mirko)

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