Hungary's EU Affairs Minister Responds to Ylva Johansson Re National Card Program

Applications for the National Card are tied to the same migration and security screening processes as other residence permits, EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka highlighted.

2024. 08. 22. 11:09
Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka sent a message on Facebook to EU Home Affairs Commissioner  Ylva Johansson regarding Hungary's National Card program.

Janos Boka pointed out in the post that applications for the National Card are tied to the same migration and security screening processes as other residence permits.

The Hungarian regulations and practice, which the Commission has so far not objected to, have not changed. Hungary is hosting only a fraction of Russian and Belarusian citizens currently staying in the EU, and the country issues a fraction of EU residence permits for Russian and Belarusian citizens. The European Commission and certain member states are whipping up emotions on the matter. It's time to stop this. The facts speak for themselves,

Janos Boka posted.

Cover photo: Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka (Source: Facebook)

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