Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is in an extremely difficult situation, because the basic strategic goal of the attack on the Kursk region was that Russia would withdraw some of their troops from the Donbas, but this did not happen, security expert Gyorgy Nogradi told Magyar Nemzet.
Zelensky's Calculation Falls Through, Security Expert Says
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky failed to achieve his strategic goal with the Kursk incursion, and if he manages to turn his idea of launching missile attacks on Moscow and St Petersburg into reality, it could provoke an unpredictable response from the Russians, security expert Gyorgy Nogradi pointed out.
Instead, the Russians redirected troops from Kaliningrad and the Baltic regions, creating a completely new situation.
Zelensky's big plan at the moment is that the war will turn around the minute he receives permission to bomb the interior big Moscow airfields, as well as the cities of Moscow and St Petersburg,
recalls the security expert, noting that
this is why he has asked the UK - as well as others - to allow the use of strategic weapons already transferred to Ukraine against targets in Russia. Mr Mr Nogradi considers this a terrible idea, as there is no telling when the Russians will get fed up and decide to launch a much more serious strike on Ukraine.
The first signs of this are already visible, as Moscow launched an attack at dawn today, targeting practically the entire territory of Ukraine , Gyorgy Nogradi pointed out.
"Moreover, Zelensky is wrong, his planned attacks would not reverse the course of the war," the expert added.
The difference between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk region is that the Russians have declared that they want to take back four regions with Russian populations, while the area affected by the Ukrainian incursion has a Russian population, so there is no logic in this attack, the expert explains, stating
The fact is that Zelensky is not successful,
További IN ENGLISH híreink
The Ukrainian head of state has been scrambling for months, partly because he is extremely fearful that Trump will become president of the United States and a peace will be agreed in which Ukraine will have to give up territory.
This is why he is pushing for another meeting after the inconclusive peace conference in Switzerland back in Junge. The next one was originally scheduled to take place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, but India has also been mentioned as a possible venue during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Kyiv.
But without the participation of the Russians, having such a conference would be pointless,
the expert stressed.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Gyorgy Nogradi also commented on the developments regarding the Nord Stream explosion.
Everyone knows the truth, but Zelensky is extremely happy to blame it all on the former Chief of General Staff Valery Zaluzhny, [currently Ukraine's ambassador to London], because it takes him out of the circle of people who could mean a danger to him in the future.
In a radio interview, Maria Zakharova said that she believes it is worth looking back at statements made by US politicians in the past about the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline. She first quoted US President Joe Biden, who said in 2022, before the Russian invasion, that there would be no Nord Stream 2.
Cover photo: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (Photo: MTI/EPA/Serhyi Dolzhenko)
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