Hungary FM: The Question is Not What We Think About the War, But How to Achieve Peace

After nearly a thousand days, the question is no longer what we think about the war, but how to create peace. For this reason, Hungary is ready to support any peace initiative to put an end to the suffering of people in Ukraine, Peter Szijjarto - Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade - said on Tuesday evening in New York.

2024. 09. 25. 16:26
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary1s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 3, 2023 (Photo: AFP)
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary1s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 3, 2023 (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, FM Szijjarto emphasized during a UN Security Council meeting on the war in Ukraine that Hungary – as a neighboring country – is directly affected by the conflict's negative consequences. Regardless of the fact that Hungary had no responsibility for the outbreak of the fighting, it's had to bear the war's costs over the past two and a half years.

“After nearly a thousand days, the question is no longer what we think about the war, but how to create peace, or more precisely, what is the quickest path to peace,” the foreign minister stated.

We believe peace must be achieved as soon as possible because the longer it takes, the more people will die, the more families will suffer, the more people will be forced to flee, and the greater the destruction will be,

– he warned in his speech. 

We, Hungarians, in the direct vicinity of all this, do not want any more destruction, more suffering, or more deaths, especially considering the significant Hungarian community living in Ukraine,” Mr. Szijjarto continued. 

If we're honest with ourselves and avoid the usage of boilerplate phrases, it’s clear that what has been done so far hasn’t worked at all,

– he argued. 

He went on to point out that the weapon deliveries have not brought the end of the war any closer. Increasing the number of weapons on both sides has only led to more casualties and prolonged the conflict, he said. Mr. Szijjarto then expressed his deep concern over the growing risks of escalation, particularly regarding previous open references to the use of nuclear weapons.

We, Hungarians, advocate for a ceasefire and the start of peace negotiations. We believe that this is the swiftest route to peace,

– he stated.  

What's unfolded so far proves that there is no solution on the battlefield, only death and destruction,” he added. 

Finally, FM Szijjarto emphasized that Hungary aligns itself with the global majority in favor of peace and stands ready to participate in any initiative that promotes it.


We hope that this week's meetings in UN General Assembly will bring us closer to ending the war, achieving peace, and alleviating the suffering of people in our neighborhood,

– he concluded.

Cover photo: Peter Szijjarto, Hungary1s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, May 3, 2023 (Photo: AFP)

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