The most serious and difficult phase of the protection has begun. At dawn today, the expected highest water level of the flood wave has reached Hungary. Water and disaster management experts, alongside volunteers, are tasked with closely monitoring the flood until it leaves the country, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said this morning at the briefing of the flood protection operational group.

This is the most difficult period for protection, and we expect the highest water level to leave Hungary on Thursday next week, said the Hungarian premier. According to the weather forecasters, there will be no rain next week, therefore the highest water level is known and there is no need to protect against higher levels, unless the weather forecasters are wrong. It is also good news that all our flood defenses stood the test as the highest water level reached them. The high water level entails no new tasks for those involved in the flood protection efforts as the maximum water level will be lower than during the flood of 2013, PM Orban said.
Those in flood protection operation are confident
According to the PM, those involved in the protection operation are confident and calm. They are doing their job in an organized manner. As far as the management of the defense is concerned, there are sections of protection for which the state is directly responsible, and others that are the responsibility of the municipality. In areas falling under state protection, the level of preparedness is 100%. The situation in most of the municipalities is the same, with preparedness at over fifty per cent everywhere.
The mayor of Budapest also attended the Operations Management meeting.
"Cooperation is smoother in an emergency. There is no time for politicking at times like this. We are destined to work together," Mr Orban said.
The water level will peak on Thursday, and the peak of the flood wave is currently in the area of Devin (Deveny) in Bratislava.
In Budapest, the water level is expected to peak on Saturday afternoon, at a height of 846 centimeters. The highest water level ever recorded here was 891 centimeters. Budapest's riverfront roads are expected to be cleared by the middle to end of next week. Currently, 1,288 National Water Management Directorate (OVF) staff and 1667 soldiers are working in the defense operation. The army can mobilize 4,000 men every 24 hours, but this is not expected to be necessary. Furthermore, 988 personnel from the National Disaster Management Directorate (OKF) are also taking part, along with 312 police officers, including 200 law enforcement students, and 117 prisoners from the prison service. A total of 4392 staff are currently working in the flood protection operation.
Critical locations
Viktor Orban said that the opening of the emergency reservoir at the Lajta (Leitha) River would cause a 20-centimeter drop in the water level of the Danube tributary. Pilismarot is one of the most critical sites at the moment, with work being carried out there today and tomorrow, to also try to protect the buildings in the floodplain, but there is a section of Route 11 that cannot be protected, so diversion roads are being opened.
Margaret Island in Budapest is also a tough spot, but not unfamiliar.
He indicated that they hope no one will have to be evacuated from the hotel on the island. The Batthyany Square subway station is also a critical spot. The relatively thin walls make preventing water seeping impossible, but even so, the subway may not have to be shut down, however the commuter train (HEV) may have to be closed for safety reasons. The situation will be difficult in Dunabogdany, Leanyfalu and Tahi, where volunteers will be needed. Route 2 will also have to be closed near Vac. Kismaros is also a difficult spot with most of the village on flood plains, and Kisoroszi, but they are used to this and can do what is needed. On the capacity of the flood protection works, he said that after the food of 2013, 435 billion forints (over EUR 1 billion) worth of investments were made, 150 billion (about EUR 380 million) along the Danube. At Komarom, for example, there is no longer a need for volunteers, dam construction or dam raising. "We will channel the water out of the country without any major dangers or problems, but we must remain calm. The task is not unfamiliar, but it requires serious attention. This way there will be no problem, Hungary will manage this too", Mr Orban concluded.
Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Zoltan Fischer)